nexus 以非交互方式配置初始存储库
nexus configure initial repositories non-interactively
我想为我们的 nexus
实例创建一个 docker,其中已经创建了正确的存储库、代理等。
灵感来自 I started using the script API to configure my repositories. The repositories configured through this API don't work like the ones configured manually though (how sad; especially if you imagine the trouble I went through to get the configuration done with the non-documented script API...). I have already filed a bug therefore if you really want to know the details:
中放置一些默认配置,然后仅在第一次启动时使用;给你一个初始配置。我想知道 nexus
我使用 python 来做类似的事情:
curl -X POST -u admin:admin123 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8081/service/rest/v1/script -d '{"name":"test","type":"groovy","content":"repository.createYumProxy('\''test'\'', '\''http://repository:8080/'\'')"}'
curl -X POST -u admin:admin123 --header "Content-Type: text/plain" ''
我 post 的确切脚本(这里比所有那些转义引号更具可读性):
repository.createYumProxy('{name}', '{url}');
configuration = repository.repositoryManager.get('{name}').configuration.copy();
configuration.attributes['proxy'] = [
remoteUrl : "{url}",
contentMaxAge : 0,
metadataMaxAge : 0
configuration.attributes['negativeCache'] = [
timeToLive : 1.0
我的案例中缺少的部分是 repositoryManager.update()
I think the important item(s) missing from your script is that you are not updating the repositoryManager with the new (copied) configuration (which causes the repository to stop/start and therefore reload config)
我想为我们的 nexus
实例创建一个 docker,其中已经创建了正确的存储库、代理等。
中放置一些默认配置,然后仅在第一次启动时使用;给你一个初始配置。我想知道 nexus
我使用 python 来做类似的事情:
curl -X POST -u admin:admin123 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8081/service/rest/v1/script -d '{"name":"test","type":"groovy","content":"repository.createYumProxy('\''test'\'', '\''http://repository:8080/'\'')"}'
curl -X POST -u admin:admin123 --header "Content-Type: text/plain" ''
我 post 的确切脚本(这里比所有那些转义引号更具可读性):
repository.createYumProxy('{name}', '{url}');
configuration = repository.repositoryManager.get('{name}').configuration.copy();
configuration.attributes['proxy'] = [
remoteUrl : "{url}",
contentMaxAge : 0,
metadataMaxAge : 0
configuration.attributes['negativeCache'] = [
timeToLive : 1.0
我的案例中缺少的部分是 repositoryManager.update()
I think the important item(s) missing from your script is that you are not updating the repositoryManager with the new (copied) configuration (which causes the repository to stop/start and therefore reload config)