Laravel 使用正则表达式断言重定向

Laravel assert redirect with regular expression

我最近正在尝试使用 laravel 进行 TDD,我想断言重定向是否将用户带到了具有整数参数的 url。 我想知道我是否可以使用正则表达式来捕获所有正整数。

我是 运行 这个应用程序,使用 laravel 5.8 框架,我知道 url 参数是 1 因为我每次测试都会刷新数据库,所以设置重定向url 与 /projects/1 一样有效,但这种硬编码感觉很奇怪。


 /** @test */
    public function a_user_can_create_projects()
        // $this->withoutExceptionHandling();

        //If i am logged in
        $this->signIn(); // A helper fxn in the model

        //If i hit the create url, i get a page there

        // Assumming the form is ready, if i get the form data
        $attributes = [
            'title' => $this->faker->sentence,
            'description' => $this->faker->paragraph

        //If we submit the form data, check that we get redirected to the projects path
        //$this->post('/projects', $attributes)->assertRedirect('/projects/1');// Currently working
        $this->post('/projects', $attributes)->assertRedirect('/^projects/\d+');

        // check that the database has the data we just submitted
        $this->assertDatabaseHas('projects', $attributes);

        // Check that we the title of the project gets rendered on the projects page 


我希望测试将 assertRedirect('/^projects/\d+'); 中的参数视为正则表达式,然后通过任何 url 像 /projects/1 到目前为止它以数字结尾,但它将它作为原始字符串并期望 /^projects/\d+

的 url


看完 Jeffery Way 的教程后,他谈到了如何处理这个问题。 这是他解决问题的方法

//If we submit the form data, 
$response = $this->post('/projects', $attributes);

//Get the project we just created
$project = \App\Project::where($attributes)->first();

// Check that we get redirected to the project's path

目前还不可能。您需要使用正则表达式测试响应中的 Location header。


// This will redirect to some route with an numeric ID in the URL.
$response = $this->post(route('groups.create'), [...]);

    $this->prepareRoute('group.detail', '[0-9]+'),


 * Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given URI that match the pattern.
public function assertResponseRedirectTo(Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse\TestResponse $response, string $url): void
    $lastOne = $this->oldURL ?: $url;
    $this->oldURL = null;

    $newLocation = $response->headers->get('Location');

        preg_match($url, $newLocation),
        sprintf('Should redirect to %s, but got: %s', $lastOne, $newLocation),

 * Build the pattern that match the given URL.
 * @param mixed $params
public function prepareRoute(string $name, $params): string
    if (! is_array($params)) {
        $params = [$params];

    $prefix = 'lovephp';
    $rep = sprintf('%s$&%s', $prefix, $prefix);
    $valuesToReplace = [];

    foreach ($params as $index => $param) {
        $valuesToReplace[$index] = str_replace('$&', $index . '', $rep);

    $url = preg_quote(route($name, $valuesToReplace), '/');
    $this->oldURL = route($name, $params);

    foreach ($params as $index => $param) {
        $url = str_replace(
            sprintf('%s%s%s', $prefix, $index, $prefix),

    return sprintf('/%s/', $url);