如何将输入数组绑定到 Angular 中的模型
How to bind array of inputs to model in Angular
<tr *ngFor="let color of Colors; let i = index;">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="color">
<tr *ngFor="let color of Colors; let i = index;">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="Colors[i]">
您似乎忘记关闭 "tr" 标签。
Afaik ngModel 要求变量是 class 的 属性。
@Input() colors: string[];
public formGroup: FormGroup;
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
ngOnInit() {
const formControls = {};
this.colors.forEach(e => {
formControls[e]: new FormControl(e);
this.formGroup = this.formBuilder.group(formControls);
然后在你的 html 中像这样}
<tr *ngFor="let color of Colors; let i = index;" [formGroup]="formGroup">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [formControlName]="color">
字符串在 JavaScript 中是不可变的,这意味着我们不能将 ngModel 绑定到它们。您可以很容易地将数组转换为具有键颜色和字符串值的对象数组。这将解决您的绑定问题。这是一些代码。我还整理了一个 stackbitz 给你看。
不过,我还是推荐 Joey gough 的回答。该代码感觉更正确,"the angular way" 解决了这个问题。
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent {
Colors = [{color: 'stringColor1'}, {color: 'stringColor2'}]
<tr *ngFor="let item of Colors; let i = index;">
<input required placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="item.color">
{{Colors | json}}
可以使用 [(ngModel)] 或 ReactiveForms。
使用 [(ngModel)] 的问题是您无法遍历自己的数组。
//***WRONG**, you change "Colors" in input and is iterating over Colors
//you see that your form is "unestable"
<div *ngFor="let color of Colors; let i = index;">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="Colors[i]">
<tr *ngFor="let color of ' '.repeat(Colors.length).split(''); let i = index;">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})"
[name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="Colors[i]">
是的是 work-around:不迭代颜色,只是在使用 String.repeat 和拆分
' '.repeat(Colors.length).split('') //a string of same length that Colors.length
<div *ngIf="formArray" [formGroup]="formArray">
<tr *ngFor="let control of formArray.controls;let i=index">
<input matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [formControl]="control">
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<tr *ngFor="let color of Colors; let i = index;">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="color">
<tr *ngFor="let color of Colors; let i = index;">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="Colors[i]">
您似乎忘记关闭 "tr" 标签。
Afaik ngModel 要求变量是 class 的 属性。
@Input() colors: string[];
public formGroup: FormGroup;
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
ngOnInit() {
const formControls = {};
this.colors.forEach(e => {
formControls[e]: new FormControl(e);
this.formGroup = this.formBuilder.group(formControls);
然后在你的 html 中像这样}
<tr *ngFor="let color of Colors; let i = index;" [formGroup]="formGroup">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [formControlName]="color">
字符串在 JavaScript 中是不可变的,这意味着我们不能将 ngModel 绑定到它们。您可以很容易地将数组转换为具有键颜色和字符串值的对象数组。这将解决您的绑定问题。这是一些代码。我还整理了一个 stackbitz 给你看。
不过,我还是推荐 Joey gough 的回答。该代码感觉更正确,"the angular way" 解决了这个问题。 祝你好运!
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent {
Colors = [{color: 'stringColor1'}, {color: 'stringColor2'}]
<tr *ngFor="let item of Colors; let i = index;">
<input required placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="item.color">
{{Colors | json}}
可以使用 [(ngModel)] 或 ReactiveForms。
使用 [(ngModel)] 的问题是您无法遍历自己的数组。
//***WRONG**, you change "Colors" in input and is iterating over Colors
//you see that your form is "unestable"
<div *ngFor="let color of Colors; let i = index;">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="Colors[i]">
<tr *ngFor="let color of ' '.repeat(Colors.length).split(''); let i = index;">
<input required matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})"
[name]="'color_' + i" [(ngModel)]="Colors[i]">
是的是 work-around:不迭代颜色,只是在使用 String.repeat 和拆分
动态创建的数组上' '.repeat(Colors.length).split('') //a string of same length that Colors.length
<div *ngIf="formArray" [formGroup]="formArray">
<tr *ngFor="let control of formArray.controls;let i=index">
<input matInput placeholder="Color ({{ i + 1}})" [name]="'color_' + i" [formControl]="control">
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