
Unsure why program similar to bubble-sort is not working

我一直在应对编程挑战,problem here,基本上是这样的:

Given integer array, you are to iterate through all pairs of neighbor elements, starting from beginning - and swap members of each pair where first element is greater than second.

然后 return 交换的数量和最终答案的校验和。我的程序似乎根据需要进行排序和校验和。但是除了他们给出的测试输入之外,我的最终答案是错误的。

所以:1 4 3 2 6 5 -1 结果正确输出:3 5242536 我的程序。


2 96 7439 92999 240 70748 3 842 74 706 4 86 7 463 1871 7963 904 327 6268 20955 92662 278 57 8 5912 724 70916 13 388 1 697 99666 6924 2 100 186 37504 1 27631 59556 33041 87 9 45276 -1

结果:39 1291223,当正确答案是 39 3485793


# Python 2.7

def check_sum(data):
    data = [str(x) for x in str(data)[::]]
    numbers = len(data)
    result = 0

    for number in range(numbers):
        result += int(data[number])
        result *= 113
        result %= 10000007


def bubble_in_array(data):
    numbers = data[:-1]
    numbers = [int(x) for x in numbers]
    swap_count = 0

    for x in range(len(numbers)-1):
        if numbers[x] > numbers[x+1]:
            temp = numbers[x+1]
            numbers[x+1] = numbers[x]
            numbers[x] = temp
            swap_count += 1

    raw_number = int(''.join([str(x) for x in numbers]))
    print('%s %s') % (str(swap_count), check_sum(raw_number))


问题在于您的计算方式 Checksum。当数组中的数字超过一位时,它会失败。例如:

2 96 7439 92999 240 70748 3 842 74 706 4 86 7 463 1871 7963 904 327 6268 20955 92662 278 57 8 5912 724 70916 13 388 1 697 99666 6924 2 100 186 37504 1 27631 59556 33041 87 9 45276 -1

您正在逐位计算 2967439240707483842747064867463187179639043276268209559266227857859127247091613388169792999692421001863750412763159556330418794527699666 Checksum,而您应该计算 [2, 96, 7439, 240, 70748, 3, 842, 74, 706, 4, 86, 7, 463, 1871, 7963, 904, 327, 6268, 20955, 92662, 278, 57, 8, 5912, 724, 70916, 13, 388, 1, 697, 92999, 6924, 2, 100, 186, 37504, 1, 27631, 59556, 33041, 87, 9, 45276, 99666]



# Python 2.7

def check_sum(data):
    result = 0

    for number in data:
        result += number
        result *= 113
        result %= 10000007


def bubble_in_array(data):
    numbers = [int(x) for x in data[:-1]]
    swap_count = 0

    for x in xrange(len(numbers)-1):
        if numbers[x] > numbers[x+1]:
            numbers[x+1], numbers[x] = numbers[x], numbers[x+1]
            swap_count += 1

    print('%d %d') % (swap_count, check_sum(numbers))



  • 要交换 Python 中的两个变量,您不需要使用 temp 变量,只需使用 a,b = b,a.
  • 在 python 2.X 中,使用 xrange 代替 range