
How to improve processing time for euclidean distance calculation



DIST[m,i] <- sum(((DATA1[m,] - DATA2[i,]) ^ 2) * lambda[1,])

我特别需要用特定的权重 (lambda) 乘以每个 somatory 包裹。

下面 运行s 提供的代码正确,但如果我在数百次迭代中使用它,则需要大量处理时间。昨天,我花了 18 个小时才使用包含此计算的函数的多次迭代来创建图形。使用 library(profvis) profvis({ my code }) 我看到代码的这个特定部分占用了大约 80% 的处理时间。

我阅读了很多有关如何使用并行和矢量化操作减少处理时间的内容,但由于权重 lamb#,我不知道如何在这种特殊情况下实现它们。



# Data frames used to calculate the euclidean distances between each observation 
#   from DATA1 and each observation from DATA2.
# The euclidean distance is between a [600x50] and a [8X50] dataframes, resulting 
#   in a [600X8] dataframe.
DATA1 <- matrix(rexp(30000, rate=.1), ncol=50) #[600x50]
DATA2 <- matrix(rexp(400, rate=.1), ncol=50) #[8X50]

# Weights used for each of the 50 variables to calculate the weighted 
#   euclidean distance.
# Can be a vector of different weights or a scalar of the same weight 
#   for all variables.
lambda <- runif(n=50, min=0, max=10)   ## length(lambda) > 1
# lambda=1   ## length(lambda) == 1

if (length(lambda) > 1) {
  lambda <- as.matrix(lambda)
  lambda <- t(lambda)

nrows1 <- nrow(DATA1)
nrows2 <- nrow(DATA2) 

# Euclidean Distance calculation
DIST <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrows1, ncol=nrows2 )  
for (m in 1:nrows1) {
  for (i in 1:nrows2) {
    if (length(lambda) == 1) { 
      DIST[m, i] <- sum((DATA1[m, ] - DATA2[i, ])^2) 
    if (length(lambda) > 1){ 
      DIST[m, i] <- sum(((DATA1[m, ] - DATA2[i, ])^2) * lambda[1, ])

在所有建议之后,结合@MDWITT(对于 length(lambda > 1) 和@F.Privé(对于 length(lambda == 1))的答案,最终解决方案只用了一分钟 运行,而原来的代码花了我一个半小时 运行,在一个更大的代码中有那个计算。对于那些感兴趣的人,这个问题的最终代码是:

#Data frames used to calculate the euclidean distances between each observation from DATA1 and each observation from DATA2.
#The euclidean distance is between a [600x50] and a [8X50] dataframes, resulting in a [600X8] dataframe.
DATA1 <- matrix(rexp(30000, rate=.1), ncol=50) #[600x50]
DATA2 <- matrix(rexp(400, rate=.1), ncol=50) #[8X50]

#Weights used for each of the 50 variables to calculate the weighted euclidean distance.
#Can be a vector of different weights or a scalar of the same weight for all variables.
#lambda <- runif(n = 50, min = 0, max = 10)   ##length(lambda) > 1
lambda = 1   ##length(lambda) == 1

nrows1 <- nrow(DATA1)
nrows2 <- nrow(DATA2) 

#Euclidean Distance calculation
DIST <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrows1, ncol = nrows2)  

if (length(lambda) > 1){
  lambda <- as.matrix(lambda)
  lambda <- t(lambda)

  cppFunction('NumericMatrix weighted_distance (NumericMatrix x, NumericMatrix y, NumericVector lambda){

              int n_x = x.nrow();
              int n_y = y.nrow();

              NumericMatrix DIST(n_x, n_y);

              //begin the loop

              for (int i = 0 ; i < n_x; i++){
              for (int j = 0  ; j < n_y ; j ++) {
              double d = sum(pow(x.row(i) - y.row(j), 2)*lambda);
              DIST(i,j) = d;
              return (DIST) ;

    DIST <- weighted_distance(DATA1, DATA2, lambda = lambda)}

  if (length(lambda) == 1) { 
    DIST <- outer(rowSums(DATA1^2), rowSums(DATA2^2), '+') - tcrossprod(DATA1, 2 * DATA2)



outer(rowSums(DATA1^2), rowSums(DATA2^2), '+') - tcrossprod(DATA1, 2 * DATA2)


outer(drop(DATA1^2 %*% lambda), drop(DATA2^2 %*% lambda), '+') -
    tcrossprod(DATA1, sweep(DATA2, 2, 2 * lambda, '*'))

这里使用 Rcpp 的另一种方法只是为了让这个概念文档。在一个名为 euclidean.cpp 的文件中,我有

#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <cmath>

using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]

NumericMatrix weighted_distance (NumericMatrix x, NumericMatrix y, NumericVector lambda){

  int n_x = x.nrow();
  int n_y = y.nrow();

  NumericMatrix out(n_x, n_y);

  //begin the loop

  for (int i = 0 ; i < n_x; i++){
    for (int j = 0  ; j < n_y ; j ++) {
      double d = sum(pow(x.row(i) - y.row(j), 2)*lambda);
      out(i,j) = d;
  return (out) ;



# Generate Data
DATA1 <- matrix(rexp(30000, rate=.1), ncol=50) #[600x50]
DATA2 <- matrix(rexp(400, rate=.1), ncol=50) #[8X50]
lambda <- runif(n=50, min=0, max=10)

# Run the program

out <- weighted_distance(DATA1, DATA2, lambda = lambda)


  Rcpp_way = weighted_distance(DATA1, DATA2, lambda = lambda),
other = {DIST <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrows1, ncol=ncols)  
for (m in 1:nrows1) {
  for (i in 1:nrows2) {
    if (length(lambda) == 1) { 
      DIST[m, i] <- sum((DATA1[m, ] - DATA2[i, ])^2) 
    if (length(lambda) > 1){ 
      DIST[m, i] <- sum(((DATA1[m, ] - DATA2[i, ])^2) * lambda[1, ])
}}, times = 100)


Unit: microseconds
     expr       min        lq       mean    median         uq        max neval
 Rcpp_way   446.769   492.308   656.9849   562.667   846.9745   1169.231   100
    other 24688.821 30681.641 44153.5264 37511.385 50878.3585 200843.898   100