如何在 Substrate 特定类型和 Rust 原始类型之间进行转换?

How do you convert between Substrate specific types and Rust primitive types?

使用 Substrate 区块链框架,如何在 Substrate 特定类型和 Rust 原始类型之间进行转换,反之亦然?



获取最新的 Substrate master

Substrate removed As 支持 From/Into假设所有类型至少为u32.


  • From: u8, u16, u32
  • TryFrom: u64, u128, usize
  • TryInto: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize

还提供了另一个特性,以提供符合人体工程学的 当您不关心值是否饱和时的可靠转换。

  • UniqueSaturatedInto: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128
  • UniqueSaturatedFrom: u64, u128

NOTE on SaturatedConversion from Gav

SaturatedConversion (saturated_into and saturated_from) should not be used unless you know what you're doing, you've thought and considered all options and your use-case implies that saturation is fundamentally correct. The only time I imagine this is the case is deep in runtime arithmetic where you are logically certain it will not overflow, but can't provide a proof because it would depend on consistent pre-existing state.

这意味着从 u32 到 Substrate 特定类型的工作应该很容易:

pub fn u32_to_balance(input: u32) -> T::Balance {

对于较大的类型,您需要处理 Balance 运行时类型小于可用类型的情况:

pub fn u64_to_balance_option(input: u64) -> Option<T::Balance> {

// Note the warning above about saturated conversions
pub fn u64_to_balance_saturated(input: u64) -> T::Balance {

T::Balance 转换为 Rust 原语时,您还需要处理不兼容类型之间的转换:

pub fn balance_to_u64(input: T::Balance) -> Option<u64> {

// Note the warning above about saturated conversions
pub fn balance_to_u64_saturated(input: T::Balance) -> u64 {

对于 Substrate v1.0

底物提供pub trait As<T> in the sr-primitives crate:

/// Simple trait similar to `Into`, except that it can be used to convert numerics between each
/// other.
pub trait As<T> {
    /// Convert forward (ala `Into::into`).
    fn as_(self) -> T;
    /// Convert backward (ala `From::from`).
    fn sa(_: T) -> Self;


impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
    // `as_` will turn T::Balance into a u64
    pub fn balance_to_u64(input: T::Balance) -> u64 {

    // Being explicit, you can convert a `u64` to a T::Balance
    // using the `As` trait, with `T: u64`, and then calling `sa`
    pub fn u64_to_balance(input: u64) -> T::Balance {
        <T::Balance as As<u64>>::sa(input)

    // You can also let Rust figure out what `T` is
    pub fn u64_to_balance_implied(input: u64) -> T::Balance {
        <T::Balance as As<_>>::sa(input)

    // You can also let Rust figure out where `sa` is implemented
    pub fn u64_to_balance_implied_more(input: u64) -> T::Balance {