
Input box prompting for second data entry to store data, can we make it store on the first entry?

我正在尝试将 activex 文本框放在单元格 (B23) 上,该单元格隐藏了包含安全数据的文本单元格。文本框将 passwordchar 设置为 *。当我将输入框功能放在文本框中时,当他们开始输入时它会弹出,然后当我按下确定时,该框会清除并要求我重新输入我的数据,然后它会保存到 B23。有没有办法让这个第一次工作,或者如果在第二个弹出窗口中说 "please verify your entry"?

我试过将单元格链接到 B23 并关闭范围,但它没有存储数据。

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
  Dim response As String
  response = InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter the EIN/Tax Payer ID with no dashes or spaces. For security purposes this information will disappear after entry and be stored securely.", Title:="Tax Payer Data", Default:="Enter Tax Payer ID here")
   Range("B23").Value = response
   Exit Sub
End Sub

有没有办法让它在第一次时起作用,或者如果在第二个弹出窗口中显示 "please verify your entry"?我试图在输入后隐藏敏感数据(EIN、银行帐号等),但保留起始“0”并且 excel sheet 已格式化为显示零。因此,无论我们坚持使用单元格上的文本框还是其他内容,我都愿意接受。

GotFocus 活动应该能帮到您

Private Sub TextBox1_GotFocus()
    Dim response As String
  response = InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter the EIN/Tax Payer ID with no dashes or spaces. For security purposes this information will disappear after entry and be stored securely.", Title:="Tax Payer Data", Default:="Enter Tax Payer ID here")
   Range("G1").Value = response
   TextBox1.Text = response
   Exit Sub
End Sub