正在为 IFTTT 小程序解析 /r/listenToThis 中的歌曲标题

Parsing a song title from /r/listenToThis for an IFTTT applet

我有一组歌曲名称,来自 this subreddit,如下所示:

  "Lophelia -- MYTCH [Acoustic Prog-Rock/Jazz] (2019)",
  "Julia Jacklin - Pressure to Party [Rock] (2019)",
  "The Homeless Gospel Choir - I'm Going Home [Folk-Punk] (2019) cover of Pat the Bunny | A Fistful of Vinyl",
  "Lea Salonga and Simon Bowman - The last night of the world [musical] (1990)",
  "$uicideboy$ - Death",
  "SNFU -- Joni Mitchell Tapes [Punk/Alternative] (1993)",
  "Blab - afdosafhsd (2000)",
  "Something strange and badly formatted without any artist [Classical]",
  "シロとクロ「ミッドナイトにグッドナイト」(Goodnight to Midnight - Shirotokuro) - (Official Music Video) [Indie/Alternative]",
  "Victor Love - Irrationality (feat. Spiritual Front) [Industrial Rock/Cyberpunk]"


我尝试使用 "-" 拆分它,但之后才得到艺术家真的很烦人。

我也尝试过使用正则表达式,但我无法真正让某些东西正常工作。 这就是我对艺术家的看法:/(?<= -{1,2} )[\S ]*(?= \[|\( )/i 这是标题:/[\S ]*(?= -{1,2} )/i.

每个条目都是一个歌曲名称。在歌曲名称之前可能是歌曲的艺术家,后面跟着一两个(或者 3 个?)破折号。然后可以在方括号中添加流派 and/or 括号中的发布日期。我不期望完美的准确性,某些格式可能很奇怪,在那些情况下,我宁愿 artist 未定义而不是一些奇怪的解析。


  { title: "MYTCH", artist: "Lophelia" },
  { title: "Pressure to Party", artist: "Julia Jacklin" },
  { title: "I'm Going Home", artist: "The homeless Gospel Choir" },
  { title: "The last night of the world", artist: "Lea Salonga and Simon Bowman" },
  { title: "Death", artist: "$uicideboy$" },
  { title: "Joni Mitchell Tapes", artist: "SNFU" },
  { title: "afdosafhsd", artist: "Blab" },
  { title: "Something strange and badly formatted without any artist" },
  { title: "Goodnight to midnight", artist: "shirotokuro" }, // Probably impossible with some kind of AI
  { title: "Irrationality" artist: "Victor Love" }

要达到预期结果,请使用以下选项 1. 对于标题,使用 substr 从 indexOf of '- '(extra space) 的位置开始并检查 '[' 如果没有 '[' 的索引,然后使用子字符串长度

v.substring(v.indexOf('- ')+1, v.indexOf(' [') !== -1? v.indexOf(' [') : v.length).trim()
  1. 对于艺术家,使用位置为 0 且 indexOf 为“-”的 substr

    v.substr(0, v.indexOf('-')).trim()})


let arr = [
  "Lophelia -- MYTCH [Acoustic Prog-Rock/Jazz] (2019)",
  "Julia Jacklin - Pressure to Party [Rock] (2019)",
  "The Homeless Gospel Choir - I'm Going Home [Folk-Punk] (2019) cover of Pat the Bunny | A Fistful of Vinyl",
  "Lea Salonga and Simon Bowman - The last night of the world [musical] (1990)",
  "$uicideboy$ - Death",
  "SNFU -- Joni Mitchell Tapes [Punk/Alternative] (1993)",
  "Blab - afdosafhsd (2000)",
  "Something strange and badly formatted without any artist [Classical]"

let result = arr.reduce((acc, v) => {
    title: v.substring(v.indexOf('- ')+1, v.indexOf(' [') !== -1? v.indexOf(' [') : (v.indexOf(' (') !== -1? v.indexOf(' (') : v.length)).trim(), 
    artist: v.substr(0, v.indexOf('-')).trim()})
  return acc
}, [])


codepen - https://codepen.io/nagasai/pen/zQKRXj?editors=1010


const songs = [
  "Lophelia -- MYTCH [Acoustic Prog-Rock/Jazz] (2019)",
  "Julia Jacklin - Pressure to Party [Rock] (2019)",
  "The Homeless Gospel Choir - I'm Going Home [Folk-Punk] (2019) cover of Pat the Bunny | A Fistful of Vinyl",
  "Lea Salonga and Simon Bowman - The last night of the world [musical] (1990)",
  "Lophelia -- MYTCH [Acoustic Prog-Rock/Jazz]",
  "Death - $uicideboy$",
  "SNFU -- Joni Mitchell Tapes [Punk/Alternative] (1993)",
  "Title - Aritst (2000)",
  "Something strange and badly formatted without any artist [Classical]",

const trailingRgx = /\s*((\[[^\]]+\])|(\(\d+\))).*$/;

const details = songs.map(song => {
  const splitted = song.split(/\s+\-+\s+/);
  let title = splitted[0];
  let artist = splitted[1];
  if (splitted.length >= 2) {
    artist = artist.replace(trailingRgx, '');
  } else {
    title = title.replace(trailingRgx, '');
  return {

您可以使用此正则表达式来捕获您在 post 中描述的标题和艺术家部分。

^([^-[\]()\n]+)-* *([^[\]()\n]*)

Regex Demo(故意以 PCRE 风格显示以保留组颜色以吸引视觉吸引力,但它也适用于 Javascript 风格)


const songs = ["Lophelia -- MYTCH [Acoustic Prog-Rock/Jazz] (2019)",
"Julia Jacklin - Pressure to Party [Rock] (2019)",
"The Homeless Gospel Choir - I'm Going Home [Folk-Punk] (2019) cover of Pat the Bunny | A Fistful of Vinyl",
"Lea Salonga and Simon Bowman - The last night of the world [musical] (1990)",
"Lophelia -- MYTCH [Acoustic Prog-Rock/Jazz]",
"Death - $uicideboy$",
"SNFU -- Joni Mitchell Tapes [Punk/Alternative] (1993)",
"Title - Aritst (2000)",
"Something strange and badly formatted without any artist [Classical]"]

songs.forEach(song => {
  m = /^([^-[\]()\n]+)-* *([^[\]()\n]*)/.exec(song)
  console.log("Title: " + m[1] + ", Artist: " + m[2])