Espresso IntentsTestRule 测试多活动

Espresso IntentsTestRule on Test with Multiple Activities

我正在尝试使用 Espresso-Intents 库去除 Android 相机的结果。

我知道要初始化 Espresso-Inents 库,我需要定义一个 IntentsTestRule。我已经根据我的测试输入的第一个 Activity 定义了规则,即 MainActivity.class,因此规则是这样写的:

public IntentsTestRule<MainActivity> mIntentsTestRules = new IntentsTestRule(MainActivity.class);

问题是 MainActivity 永远不会加载,因为启动 MainActivity 的系统 Intent 正在被 Espresso-Intents 捕获..


java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.greenpathenergy.facilitysurveyapp/.ui.activities.MainActivity } within 45 seconds.

此外,由于这个 Intent 被 Espresso-Intents 捕获,我需要在同一个 @Test 块中从 MainActivity 移动到 EditorActivity,我如何允许一些内部在编辑器Activity?

中触发的外部意图(例如当编辑器Activity 调用相机API 时)的意图通过


IntentsTestRule 的目的是在@Test 块中的任何测试 运行 之前单独初始化 Esspresso-Intents。 IntentsTestRule 只需在@Test 块之前调用 Intents.init() 并在@Test 块完成后调用 Intents.release()。

话虽这么说,如果您只想在 @Test 块中存根特定的 Intents,则应在 @Test 块中触发外部(对您的应用程序的实例)Intent 的操作之前初始化 Espresso-Intents (例如单击按钮加载相机),并在 return 我们的存根后立即释放 Espresso-Intents。

这是在存根外部 Intent 的同时允许内部 Intent 的最简单的方法。


public void MainActivityTest {
   // Tap the button that loads the EditorActivity from MainActivity

   // Initialize Espresso-Intents library to capture the external Intent to the camera API 

    // ActivityResult will be provided as a stub result for the camera API's natural result
    // Note: I've ignored the bitmap creation and instead used null for simplicity, you will
    // want to mock the bitmap here by creating a fake picture as the resultData
    ActivityResult result = new ActivityResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, null);

    // Notify Espresso the stub result above should be provided when it sees an Intent to load the camera API

    // Simulate a button tap of the button that loads the camera API, the stub will be automatically returned as the result immediately
    // instead of the camera API opening and sending back its result

    // Release the Espresso-Intents library to allow other internal Intents to work as intended without being intercepted by Espresso-Intents
