
Move constructor and move assignment operator vs. copy elision



我试图将以下文件安排为一个不那么简单的类似向量的实现 class 利用移动语义(实际上 main 函数在那里好吧,还有一个免费功能,可以更轻松地打印到屏幕上,...)。这并不是一个真正的 最小 工作示例,但它向屏幕产生的输出是相当可读的,恕我直言。



using namespace std;

int counter = 0; // to keep count of the created objects

class X {
    int id = 0; // hopefully unique identifyier
    int n = 0;
    int * p;
    // special member functions (ctor, dtor, ...)
    X()           : id(counter++), n(0),   p(NULL)       { cout << "default ctor (id " << id << ")\n"; }
    X(int n)      : id(counter++), n(n),   p(new int[n]) { cout << "param ctor (id " << id << ")\n"; };
    X(const X& x) : id(counter++), n(x.n), p(new int[n]) {
      cout << "copy ctor (id " << id << ") (allocating and copying " << n << " ints)\n";
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        p[i] = x.p[i];
    X(X&& x)      : id(counter++), n(x.n), p(x.p) {
      cout << "move ctor (id " << id << ")\n";
      x.p = NULL;
      x.n = 0;
    X& operator=(const X& x) {
      cout << "copy assignment (";
      if (n < x.size() && n > 0) {
        cout << "deleting, ";
        delete [] p;
        n = 0;
      if (n == 0) {
        cout << "allocating, and ";
        p = new int[n];
      n = x.size();
      cout << "copying " << n << " values)";
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        p[i] = x.p[i];
      cout << endl;
      return *this;
    X& operator=(X&& x) {
      this->n = x.n;
      this->p = x.p;
      x.p = NULL;
      x.n = 0;
      cout << "move assignment (\"moving\" " << this->n << " values)\n";
      return *this;
    ~X() {
      cout << "dtor on id " << id << " (array of size " << n << ": " << *this << ")\n";
      delete [] p;
      n = 0;
    // getters/setters
    int size() const { return n; }

    // operators
    int& operator[](int i) const { return p[i]; };
    X operator+(const X& x2) const {
      cout << "operator+\n";
      int n = min(x2.size(), this->size());
      X t(n);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        t.p[i] = this->p[i] + x2.p[i];
      return t;

    // friend function to slim down the cout lines
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const X&);

int main() {
    X x0;
  X x1(5);
  X x2(5);
  x1[2] = 3;
  x2[3] = 4;
  cout << "\nx0 = x1 + x2;\n";
  x0 = x1 + x2;
  cout << "\nX x4(x1 + x2);\n";
  X x4(x1 + x2);
  cout << x4 << endl;
  cout << '\n';

// function to slim down the cout lines
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const X& x) {
  os << '[';
  for (int i = 0; i < x.size() - 1; ++i) {
    os << x.p[i] << ',';
  if (x.size() > 0) {
    os << x.p[x.size() - 1];
  return os << ']';


$ clear && g++ moves.cpp && ./a.out


default ctor (id 0)
param ctor (id 1)
param ctor (id 2)

x0 = x1 + x2;
param ctor (id 3)
move assignment ("moving" 5 values)
dtor on id 3 (array of size 0: [])

X x4(x1 + x2);
param ctor (id 4)

dtor on id 4 (array of size 5: [0,0,3,4,0])
dtor on id 2 (array of size 5: [0,0,0,4,0])
dtor on id 1 (array of size 5: [0,0,3,0,0])
dtor on id 0 (array of size 5: [0,0,3,4,0])

从输出的第一部分来看,我想我确实展示了移动赋值运算符的预期用途。在这方面我是对的吗? (从下一个输出来看,我好像不是,但我不确定。)

在这一点上,如果我关于复制省略阻止了对复制构造器的调用的推论是正确的,那么一个问题对我来说很自然 (and not only me, see OP's comment here):

不就是根据另一个临时对象创建对象的情况吗(例如 x4根据[=18=的结果] in X x4(x1 + x2);) 正是应该引入移动语义的那个?如果不是,显示移动构造函数用法的基本示例是什么?


clear && g++ -fno-elide-constructors moves.cpp && ./a.out 


default ctor (id 0)
param ctor (id 1)
param ctor (id 2)

x0 = x1 + x2;
param ctor (id 3)
move ctor (id 4)
dtor on id 3 (array of size 0: [])
move assignment ("moving" 5 values)
dtor on id 4 (array of size 0: [])

X x4(x1 + x2);
param ctor (id 5)
move ctor (id 6)
dtor on id 5 (array of size 0: [])
move ctor (id 7)
dtor on id 6 (array of size 0: [])

dtor on id 7 (array of size 5: [0,0,3,4,0])
dtor on id 2 (array of size 5: [0,0,0,4,0])
dtor on id 1 (array of size 5: [0,0,3,0,0])
dtor on id 0 (array of size 5: [0,0,3,4,0])

我期望的对 move ctor 的调用现在似乎在那里,但在该调用和对 move 赋值的调用之前分别调用了另一个 move ctor。



  • 为什么 X x4(x1 + x2) 没有调用移动构造函数?
  • 为什么在禁用复制省略时,移动构造函数被调用了两次?


Isn't that situation (X x4(x1 + x2);) exactly the one for which move semantics where supposed to be introduced?

嗯,不。为了使用移动语义,您有效地建议我们应该选择 operator+ 中构造一个 X,然后 移动 到结果 x4,与 copy-elided 相比,在 operator+[ 期间构建最终结果 (x4) 显然效率低下=61=].


已禁用 copy-elision,为什么我们在 X x4(x1 + x2) 期间看到对移动构造函数的两次调用?考虑到这里有三个作用域:

  1. operator+作用域,我们构造一个X和return它;
  2. 我们调用的 main 作用域 X x4(x1 + x2);
  3. 我们从 x1 + x2;
  4. 构建 XX constructor


  • 将结果从 operator+ 移动到 main(进入 x1 + x2);和
  • x1 + x2 的内容移动到 x4