如何 运行 在 TYPO3 8 中从命令行升级向导

How to run upgrade wizards from command line in TYPO3 8

这适用于 TYPO3 9:


./vendor/bin/typo3 upgrade:list -a

./vendor/bin/typo3 upgrade:run <wizardName>


与 Composer 相同,但使用不同的路径:

./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 upgrade:list  

./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 upgrade:run <wizardName>  

Installation & Upgrade Guide: Upgrade Wizard (see also Reference Index 中针对 Composer 和非 Composer 的记录)

在 TYPO3 8 中,没有显示命令 "upgrade",例如



   referenceindex:update     Update the reference index of TYPO3
   syslog:list               Show entries from the sys_log database table of the last 24 hours.

如何在 TYPO3 8 中从 CLI 运行 这些命令?

你可以试试二进制 typo3cmstypo3cms 二进制文件是核心的 NOT 部分。它由 composer 包 helhum/typo3-console 提供,包括基本的二进制特性和一些额外的特性。

typo 二进制一样调用它 => ./vendor/bin/typo3cms 然后您将获得升级选项的以下输出:

  upgrade:all                        Execute all upgrade wizards that are scheduled for execution
  upgrade:checkextensionconstraints  Check TYPO3 version constraints of extensions
  upgrade:list                       List upgrade wizards
  upgrade:wizard                     Execute a single upgrade wizard

TYPO3 还在 vendor/bin 文件夹

中包含二进制文件 fluiddoctrine-dbal