找到将所有 K 数转换为位于 [L,R] 范围内所需的操作数的最佳方法(即 L≤x≤R)
Optimal way to find number of operation required to convert all K numbers to lie in the range [L,R] (i.e. L≤x≤R)
I am solving this question which requires some optimized techniques to
solve it. I can think of the brute force method only which requires
Given an array A consisting of n integers. We call an integer "good"
if it lies in the range [L,R] (i.e. L≤x≤R). We need to make sure if we
pick up any K integers from the array at least one of them should be a
good integer.
For achieving this, in a single operation, we are allowed to
increase/decrease any element of the array by one.
What will be the minimum number of operations we will need for a
fixed k?"
i.e k=1 to n.
1 2
A=[ 1 3 3 ]
for k=1 : 2
for k=2 : 1
for k=3 : 0
For k=1, you have to convert both the 3s into 2s to make sure that if
you select any one of the 3 integers, the selected integer is good.
For k=2, one of the possible ways is to convert one of the 3s into 2.
For k=3, no operation is needed as 1 is a good integer.
为了确保从中挑选出 k 个元素会给出至少一个有效的方法,您的集合中不应有超过 k-1 个无效的方法。因此,您需要找到使足够多的元素有效的最短方法。我将按如下方式进行:在一次传递中,生成一个映射,计算集合中有多少元素需要 $n$ 操作才能生效。那么,你明明是要取那些操作次数最少的元素,所以取需要操作次数从小到大的元素个数,然后对操作次数求和。
def min_ops(L,R,A_set):
n_ops = dict() # create an empty mapping
for a in A_set: # loop over all a in the set A_set
n = max(0,max(a-R,L-a)) # the number of operations requied to make a valid
n_ops[n] = n_ops.get(n,0) + 1 # in the mapping, increment the element keyed by *n* by ones. If it does not exist yet, assume it was 0.
allret = [] # create a new list to hold the result for all k
for k in range(1,len(A_set)+1): # iterate over all k in the range [1,N+1) == [1,N]
n_good_required = len(A_set) - k + 1
ret = 0
# iterator over all pairs of keys,values from the mapping, sorted by key.
# The key is the number of ops required, the value the number of elements available
for n,nel in sorted(n_ops.items()):
if n_good_required:
return ret
ret += n * min(nel,n_good_required)
n_good_required -= nel
allret.append(ret) # append the answer for this k to the result list
return allret
A_set = [1,3,3,6,8,5,4,7]
L,R = 4,6
对于每个 A,我们找出需要多少操作才能使其有效:
n = [3,1,1,0,2,0,0,1]
(即 1 需要 3 个步骤,3 需要一个,依此类推)
n_ops = {
0: 3, # we already have three valid elements
1: 3, # three elements that require one op
2: 1,
3: 1, # and finally one that requires 3 ops
现在,对于每个 k,我们找出集合中需要多少个有效元素,
例如对于k = 4,我们最多需要8个集合中的3个无效,所以我们需要5个有效的。
ret = 0
n_good_requied = 5
with n=0, we have 3 so take all of them
ret = 0
n_good_required = 2
with n=1, we have 3, but we need just two, so take those
ret = 2
we're finished
正如 burnpanck 在他的回答中所解释的那样,为了确保当您选择数组中的任何 k 个元素时,并且至少其中一个元素在 [L,R] 范围内,我们需要确保有数组中 [L,R] 范围内的至少 n - k + 1
因此,首先,对于每个元素,我们计算使该元素成为 valid
元素(在 [L,R] 范围内)的成本,并将这些成本存储在数组 cost
对于k = 1,最小代价是数组cost
对于k = 2,最小成本是cost
对于 k = 3,最小成本是 cost
所以这是 Java 中的算法,注意时间复杂度是 O(n logn):
int[]cost = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cost[i] = //Calculate min cost for element i
int[]prefix = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
prefix[i] = cost[i] + (i > 0 ? prefix[i - 1] : 0);
for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
System.out.println("Result for k = " + (n - i) + " is " + prefix[i]);
I am solving this question which requires some optimized techniques to solve it. I can think of the brute force method only which requires combinatorics.
Given an array A consisting of n integers. We call an integer "good" if it lies in the range [L,R] (i.e. L≤x≤R). We need to make sure if we pick up any K integers from the array at least one of them should be a good integer.
For achieving this, in a single operation, we are allowed to increase/decrease any element of the array by one.
What will be the minimum number of operations we will need for a fixed k?"
i.e k=1 to n.
1 2
A=[ 1 3 3 ]
for k=1 : 2
for k=2 : 1
for k=3 : 0
For k=1, you have to convert both the 3s into 2s to make sure that if you select any one of the 3 integers, the selected integer is good.
For k=2, one of the possible ways is to convert one of the 3s into 2.
For k=3, no operation is needed as 1 is a good integer.
为了确保从中挑选出 k 个元素会给出至少一个有效的方法,您的集合中不应有超过 k-1 个无效的方法。因此,您需要找到使足够多的元素有效的最短方法。我将按如下方式进行:在一次传递中,生成一个映射,计算集合中有多少元素需要 $n$ 操作才能生效。那么,你明明是要取那些操作次数最少的元素,所以取需要操作次数从小到大的元素个数,然后对操作次数求和。
def min_ops(L,R,A_set):
n_ops = dict() # create an empty mapping
for a in A_set: # loop over all a in the set A_set
n = max(0,max(a-R,L-a)) # the number of operations requied to make a valid
n_ops[n] = n_ops.get(n,0) + 1 # in the mapping, increment the element keyed by *n* by ones. If it does not exist yet, assume it was 0.
allret = [] # create a new list to hold the result for all k
for k in range(1,len(A_set)+1): # iterate over all k in the range [1,N+1) == [1,N]
n_good_required = len(A_set) - k + 1
ret = 0
# iterator over all pairs of keys,values from the mapping, sorted by key.
# The key is the number of ops required, the value the number of elements available
for n,nel in sorted(n_ops.items()):
if n_good_required:
return ret
ret += n * min(nel,n_good_required)
n_good_required -= nel
allret.append(ret) # append the answer for this k to the result list
return allret
A_set = [1,3,3,6,8,5,4,7]
L,R = 4,6
对于每个 A,我们找出需要多少操作才能使其有效:
n = [3,1,1,0,2,0,0,1]
(即 1 需要 3 个步骤,3 需要一个,依此类推) 然后我们数一数:
n_ops = {
0: 3, # we already have three valid elements
1: 3, # three elements that require one op
2: 1,
3: 1, # and finally one that requires 3 ops
现在,对于每个 k,我们找出集合中需要多少个有效元素, 例如对于k = 4,我们最多需要8个集合中的3个无效,所以我们需要5个有效的。
ret = 0
n_good_requied = 5
with n=0, we have 3 so take all of them
ret = 0
n_good_required = 2
with n=1, we have 3, but we need just two, so take those
ret = 2
we're finished
正如 burnpanck 在他的回答中所解释的那样,为了确保当您选择数组中的任何 k 个元素时,并且至少其中一个元素在 [L,R] 范围内,我们需要确保有数组中 [L,R] 范围内的至少 n - k + 1
因此,首先,对于每个元素,我们计算使该元素成为 valid
元素(在 [L,R] 范围内)的成本,并将这些成本存储在数组 cost
对于k = 1,最小代价是数组
的总和。对于k = 2,最小成本是
减去最大元素的总和。对于 k = 3,最小成本是
所以这是 Java 中的算法,注意时间复杂度是 O(n logn):
int[]cost = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cost[i] = //Calculate min cost for element i
int[]prefix = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
prefix[i] = cost[i] + (i > 0 ? prefix[i - 1] : 0);
for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
System.out.println("Result for k = " + (n - i) + " is " + prefix[i]);