
How can two continuations cancel each other out?

我正在通读 Some Tricks for List Manipulation,其中包含以下内容:

zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
    f x k c = k (\((y:ys),r) -> c (ys,(x,y):r)) 

What we can see here is that we have two continuations stacked on top of each other. When this happens, they can often “cancel out”, like so:

zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr f (ys,[]) xs)
    f x (y:ys,r) = (ys,(x,y):r)

我不明白您如何 "cancel out" 堆叠延续以从顶部代码块到达底部代码块。您寻找什么模式来进行这种转换,为什么它有效?

函数 f :: a -> b 可以 "disguised" 在双重延续中作为函数 f' :: ((a -> r1) -> r2) -> ((b -> r1) -> r2).

obfuscate :: (a -> b) -> ((a -> r1) -> r2) -> (b -> r1) -> r2
obfuscate f k2 k1 = k2 (k1 . f)

obfuscate 有很好的 属性,它保留了函数组合和恒等式:您可以通过几个步骤证明 obfuscate f . obfuscate g === obfuscate (f . g)obfuscate id === id。这意味着您可以经常使用此转换来解开 double-continuation 计算,这些计算将 obfuscated 函数组合在一起,方法是将 obfuscate 从组合中分解出来。这个问题就是这种理清的一个例子。

顶部代码块中的 f 是底部代码块中 fobfuscated 版本(更准确地说,顶部 f xobfuscated 版本底部 f x)。您可以通过注意 top f 如何将外部延续应用于转换其输入的函数,然后将整个事物应用于内部延续,就像在 obfuscate.[=35 的主体中一样=]


zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
    f x = obfuscate (\(y:ys,r) -> (ys,(x,y):r))

因为这里foldr的作用是把一堆obfuscated个函数相互组合起来(然后全部应用到id,我们可以放在右边),我们可以将 obfuscate 分解到整个折叠的外部:

zipRev xs ys = obfuscate (\accum -> foldr f accum xs) id snd (ys,[])
    f x (y:ys,r) = (ys,(x,y):r)


zipRev xs ys = obfuscate (\accum -> foldr f accum xs) id snd (ys,[]) 
zipRev xs ys = id (snd . (\accum -> foldr f accum xs)) (ys,[])
zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr f (ys,[]) xs)



g :: a₁ -> a₂


lift g = (\c a₁ -> c (g a₁))
    :: (a₂ -> t) -> a₁ -> t


g₁ :: a₁ -> a₂
g₂ :: a₂ -> a₃

lift g₁ . lift g₂
== (\c₁ a₁ -> c₁ (g₁ a₁)) . (\c₂ a₂ -> c₂ (g₂ a₂))
== \c₂ a₁ -> (\a₂ -> c₂ (g₂ a₂)) (g₁ a₁)
== \c₂ a₁ -> c₂ (g₂ (g₁ a₁)) 
== lift (g₂ . g₁)
    :: (a₃ -> t) -> a₁ -> t

lift id
== (\c a₁ -> c a₁)
== id
    :: (a₁ -> t) -> a₁ -> t


lift (lift g)
== (\k c -> k ((\c a₁ -> c (g a₁)) c))
== (\k c -> k (\a₁ -> c (g a₁)))
    :: ((a₁ -> t) -> u) -> (a₂ -> t) -> u


lift (lift g₁) . lift (lift g₂)
== lift (lift g₂ . lift g₁)
== lift (lift (g₁ . g₂))
    :: ((a₁ -> t) -> u) -> (a₃ -> t) -> u

lift (lift id)
== lift id
== id
    :: ((a₁ -> t) -> u) -> (a₁ -> t) -> u

这正是您示例中使用 g = \(y:ys, r) -> (ys, (x, y):r) 反转的转换。这个g是一个自同态(a₁ = a₂),而foldr是用各种x合成一堆它的副本。我们正在做的是用函数组合的 double-lift 替换 double-lifted 函数的组合,这只是函子定律的归纳应用:

f :: x -> a₁ -> a₁
c :: (a₁ -> t) -> u
xs :: [x]

foldr (\x -> lift (lift (f x))) c xs
== lift (lift (\a₁ -> foldr f a₁ xs)) c
    :: (a₁ -> t) -> u


zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
     -- f x k c = k (\(y:ys, r) -> c (ys, (x,y):r))
        f x k c = k (g x c) 
     --         = (k . g x) c   -- so,
     -- f x k   =  k . g x

        g x   c       (y:ys, r) =  c (ys, (x,y):r)

这里我们使用了lambda lifting to recover the g combinator

那么因为 f x k = k . g xk x 的左边 ,输入列表被翻译成一个反向链作品,

foldr f id [x1, x2, x3, ..., xn]   where  f x k = k . g x
   (((...(id . g xn) .  ...  . g x3) . g x2) . g x1)


zipRev [] ys = []
zipRev [x1, x2, x3, ..., xn] ys 
      = (id . g xn  .  ...  . g x3 . g x2 . g x1)  snd         (ys, [])
      = g xn (g xn1 (  ...  ( g x3 ( g x2 ( g x1   snd)))...)) (ys, [])
   where     ----c--------------------------------------------
        g x  c     (y:ys, r) = c (ys, (x,y):r)

所以我们去了 xs 列表的最深处,然后我们回来在路上消费 ys 列表 left-to-right(即 top-down)回到 xs 列表中的 right-to-left(即 bottom-up)。这直接编码为带有严格缩减器的右折叠,因此流程确实是 xs 上的 right-to-left。链中的 bottom-most 操作 (snd) 最后完成,因此在新代码中它成为最顶层(仍然最后完成):

zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr h (ys,[]) xs)
        h x        (y:ys, r) =   (ys, (x,y):r)

g x c在原代码中作为延续,用c作为second-tier延续;但实际上一直都是从右边开始的常规弃牌。


        g x  c     ([],   r) = c ([], r)        -- or just `r`
        g x  c     (y:ys, r) = c (ys, (x,y):r)

(update:) duplode(和 Joseph Sible)的答案以更适合任务的方式对 lambda 进行了一些不同的提升。它是这样的:

zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs  snd (ys,[])
     f x k c = k      (\((y:ys), r) -> c (ys, (x,y):r)) 
             = k (c . (\((y:ys), r) ->   (ys, (x,y):r)) )
             = k (c . g x)
     g x     =        (\((y:ys), r) ->   (ys, (x,y):r))
  {- f x k c = k ((. g x) c) = (k . (. g x)) c = (. (. g x)) k c
     f x     =                                   (. (. g x))     -}


foldr f id  [ x1,            x2,    ... ,         xn      ]  snd  (ys,[]) =
  = ( (. (. g x1)) $ (. (. g x2)) $ ... $ (. (. g xn)) id )  snd  (ys,[])  -- 1,2...n
  = ( id . (. g xn) .  ...  . (. g x2)  .    (. g x1)     )  snd  (ys,[])  -- n...2,1
  =      ( snd . g x1 .    g x2   . ... .       g xn            ) (ys,[])  -- 1,2...n!
  =        snd $ g x1 $    g x2   $ ... $       g xn              (ys,[])
  =        snd $  foldr g (ys,[])  [x1, x2, ...,  xn      ]

简单。 :) 翻转两次根本就不是翻转。


-- Note that `g x` is an endomorphism.
g :: a -> ([b], [(a,b)]) -> ([b], [(a,b)])
g x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)

zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
    f x k = \c -> k (c . g x)

f 将延续 (c . g x) 提供给另一个函数 (k, "double continuation", ).

虽然我们可能合理地期望随着折叠的进行重复使用 f 将以某种方式组成由列表元素组成的 g x 自同态,但自同态的组成顺序可能不是很明显,所以我们最好通过几个步骤来确定:

-- x0 is the first element, x1 the second, etc.
f x0 k0 
\c -> k0 (c . g x0)
\c -> (f x1 k1) (c . g x0) -- k0 is the result of a fold step.
\c -> (\d -> k1 (d . g x1)) (c . g x0) -- Renaming a variable for clarity.
\c -> k1 (c . g x0 . g x1)
-- etc .
-- xa is the *last* element, xb the next-to-last, etc.
-- ka is the initial value passed to foldr.
\c -> (f xa ka) (c . g x0 . g x1 . . . g xb)
\c -> (\d -> ka (d . g xa)) (c . g x0 . g x1 . . . g xb)
\c -> ka (c . g x0 . g x1 . . . g xb . g xa)

ka,传递给 foldr 的初始值是 id,这使事情变得相当简单:

foldr f id xs = \c -> c . g x0 . g x1 . . . g xa

由于我们对传递给 foldr f id xsc 参数所做的一切都是 post-composing 它与自同态,我们不妨将其排除在外:

zipRev xs ys = (snd . foldr h id xs) (ys,[])
    h x e = g x . e

请注意我们是如何从 c . g x 发展到 g x . e 的。这可以说是原始实施中 CPS 欺骗的附带影响。

最后一步是注意 h x e = g x . e 如何与我们对 implement foldr in terms of foldMap for the Endo monoid 所做的完全对应。或者,更明确地说:

foldEndo g i xs = foldr g i xs  -- The goal is obtaining an Endo-like definition.

foldEndo _ i [] = i
foldEndo g i (x : xs) = g x (foldEndo g i xs)

foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
    go [] = \j -> j
    go (x : xs) = \j -> g x (foldEndo g j xs)

foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
    go [] = \j -> j
    go (x : xs) = \j -> g x (go xs j)

foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
    go [] = id
    go (x : xs) = g x . go xs

foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
    h x e = g x . e
    go [] = id
    go (x : xs) = h x (go xs)

foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
    h x e = g x . e
    go xs = foldr h id xs

foldEndo g i xs = foldr h id xs i
    h x e = g x . e


zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr g (ys,[]) xs)

让我明白了。这是我在阅读它时的一些见解,以及一些 step-by-step 转换。


  • 延续不直接抵消。它们最终只能被取消(beta-reducing),因为有可能将它们排除在外。
  • 您正在寻找的进行此转换的模式是 \k c -> k (c . f)(或者如果您喜欢不可读的 pointfree,(. (. f)))对于任何 f(请注意 f 不是 lambda 的参数)。
  • 作为,continuation-passing风格的函数可以认为是函子,而obfuscate是他们对fmap的定义。
  • foldr 中提取这样的函数的技巧适用于任何可能是有效的函数 fmap


zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
    f x k c = k (\((y:ys),r) -> c (ys,(x,y):r))

从 lambda

中拉出 c
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
    f x k c = k (c . \((y:ys),r) -> (ys,(x,y):r))


zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
    f x = obfuscate (\((y:ys),r) -> (ys,(x,y):r))

从 lambda

中拉出 obfuscate
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
    f = obfuscate . \x ((y:ys),r) -> (ys,(x,y):r)


zipRev xs ys = foldr (obfuscate . f) id xs snd (ys,[])
    f x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)


zipRev xs ys = obfuscate (flip (foldr f) xs) id snd (ys,[])
    f x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)


zipRev xs ys = (\k c -> k (c . flip (foldr f) xs)) id snd (ys,[])
    f x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)


zipRev xs ys = (id (snd . flip (foldr f) xs)) (ys,[])
    f x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)


zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr f (ys,[]) xs)
    f x (y:ys,r) = (ys,(x,y):r)


中提取 fmap 有效函数的理由
foldr (fmap . f) z [x1,x2,...,xn]


(fmap . f) x1 . (fmap . f) x2 . ... . (fmap . f) xn $ z

内联内部 .s

fmap (f x1) . fmap (f x2) . ... . fmap (f xn) $ z


fmap (f x1 . f x2 . ... . f xn) $ z


fmap (\z2 -> f x1 . f x2 . ... . f xn $ z2) z

根据 foldr

编写 lambda 主体
fmap (\z2 -> foldr f z2 [x1,x2,...,xn]) z

根据 flip

编写 lambda 主体
fmap (flip (foldr f) [x1,x2,...,xn]) z

奖励:从 foldr

中提取 contramap 有效函数的理由
foldr (contramap . f) z [x1,x2,...,xn]


(contramap . f) x1 . (contramap . f) x2 . ... . (contramap . f) xn $ z

内联内部 .s

contramap (f x1) . contramap (f x2) . ... . contramap (f xn) $ z


contramap (f xn . ... . f x2 . f x1) $ z


contramap (\z2 -> f xn . ... . f x2 . f x1 $ z2) z

根据 foldr

编写 lambda 主体
contramap (\z2 -> foldr f z2 [xn,...,x2,x1]) z

根据 flip

编写 lambda 主体
contramap (flip (foldr f) [xn,...,x2,x1]) z

应用foldr f z (reverse xs) = foldl (flip f) z xs

contramap (flip (foldl (flip f)) [x1,x2,...,xn]) z