Class 和 trim 字符串的方法甚至没有开始

Class and methods to trim string not even starting

我正在尝试创建一个带有字符串修剪功能的 class:

Object subclass: Trimmer [
    trimleading: str [ |ch ret|
        ch := (str first: 1).           "get first character"
        ret := str.                     "make a copy of sent string"
        [ch = ' '] whileTrue: [         "while first char is space"
            ret := (ret copyFrom: 2).   "copy from 2nd char"
            ch := ret first: 1.         "again test first char"
        ^ret                            "return value is modified string"
    trim: str [ |ret|
        ret := str. 
        ret := (trimleading value: ret).           "trim leading spaces"
        ret := (trimleading value: (ret reverse)). "reverse string and repeat trim leading"
        ^(ret reverse)                             "return reverse string"

oristr := '        this is a test  '
('ORI..>>',oristr,'<<') displayNl.
('FINAL>>',((Trimmer new) trim: oristr),'<<') displayNl.

但是,它不是 运行ning 并给出以下错误:

$ gst invalid class body element expected expression


如果我删除 trimleading 方法块后的 .,如以下代码所示:

Object subclass: Trimmer [
    trimleading: str [ |ch ret flag|
        ret := str.                     "make a copy of sent string"
        flag := true.
        [flag] whileTrue: [         "while first char is space"
            ch := ret first: 1.         "again test first char"
            ch = ' '
            ifTrue: [ ret := (ret copyFrom: 2 to: ret size)]    "copy from 2nd char"
            ifFalse: [flag := false] 
        ^ret                                "value is modified string"
        ]     "<<<<<<< PERIOD/DOT REMOVED FROM HERE."
    trim: str [ |ret|
        ret := str. 
        ret := (trimleading value: ret).           "trim leading spaces"
        ret := (trimleading value: (ret reverse)). "reverse string and repeat trim leading"
        ^(ret reverse)                      "return reverse string"

然后代码开始到 运行 但停止并出现以下错误:

$ gst undefined variable trimleading referenced
ORI..>>        this is a test  <<
Object: Trimmer new "<0x7f1c787b4750>" error: did not understand #trim:
MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal (
Trimmer(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #trim: (
UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (

为什么 trimleading 方法现在未定义,为什么 gnu-smalltalk did not understand #trim:

通常,对于此类常见用例,检查此类功能是否已实现是明智的。您可以从中获得灵感来编写您的代码(作为 Smalltalk 程序员,您也将得到改进)。看看 trimBlanksFrom: 来自

 SpStringUtilities class >> trimBlanksFrom: aString [
    "^a String
     I return a copy of aString with all leading and trailing blanks removed."

    <category: 'services'>
    | first last |
    first := 1.
    last := aString size.
    [last > 0 and: [(aString at: last) isSeparator]] 
        whileTrue: [last := last - 1].
    ^last == 0 
        ifTrue: [String new]
        ifFalse: [
            [first < last and: [(aString at: first) isSeparator]] 
                whileTrue: [first := first + 1].
            aString copyFrom: first to: last

如果你想 trim 只有前导空格,你可以只使用第二部分,它是 trim 前导空格。

编辑 OP 自己的代码应用了修复:

Object subclass: Trimmer [
    trimleading: str [ |ch ret flag|
        ret := str.                     "make a copy of sent string"
        flag := true.
        [flag] whileTrue: [         "while first char is space"
            ch := ret first: 1.         "again test first char"
            ch = ' '
            ifTrue: [ ret := (ret copyFrom: 2 to: ret size) ]    "copy from 2nd char"
            ifFalse:  [flag := false ] 
        ^ret                                "value is modified string"
        ]     "<<<<<<< PERIOD/DOT REMOVED FROM HERE."
    trim: str [ |ret|
        ret := str. 
        ret := self trimleading: (ret copy).           "trim leading spaces"
        ret := self trimleading: (ret copy reverse). "reverse string and repeat trim leading"
        ^ (ret reverse)                      "return reverse string"

oristr := '        this is a test  '
('ORI..>>',oristr,'<<') displayNl.
('FINAL>>',((Trimmer new) trim: oristr),'<<') displayNl.

有些错误需要更正。如果你想解决一个选择器 #trimleading: 你必须使用 self 搜索本地 class 的关键字(对于自己的 classes 或继承)。接下来,您不应该更改分配给您的变量,您应该使用 #copy 否则会出现奇怪的结果。