查找两个 perl 嵌套哈希之间的差异

Find difference between two perl nested hashes

我试图找出两个文件的区别,其中包含 key/values 个条目,并且 return 所有 key/values 都被添加或删除。目前,我正在使用 linux diff 来查找差异,但很自然,如果更改值顺序,那么它将是一个有效的差异,但我不想列出它们,因为对我来说无效。

文件 1:

key1    kamal1.google.com kamal2.google.com kamal3.google.com 
key2    kamal4.google.com 

文件 2:

key1    kamal1.google.com kamal6.google.com kamal3.google.com 
key3    kamal4.google.com



- 不适用于嵌套
- 丢失 parent.



my $file1 = 'file1';
my $file2 = 'file2';

my $old = hashifyFile($file1);
my $new = hashifyFile($file2);
my $result = {};
compareHashes($old , $new, $result);
print Dumper $result;

    sub compareHashes {
        my ($hash1, $hash2, $result) = @_;

            for my $key (keys %$hash1, keys %$hash2) {
                if (not exists $hash2->{$key}) {
                        push @{$result->{deleted}->{$key}}, keys %{$hash1->{$key}};
                } elsif (not exists $hash1->{$key}) {
                        push @{$result->{added}->{$key}}, keys %{$hash2->{$key}};
                } elsif (ref $hash1->{$key} eq 'HASH' or ref $hash2->{$key} eq 'HASH' ) {
                    compareHashes($hash1->{$key}, $hash2->{$key}, $result);

# helper functions
sub trim {
   my $val = shift;
   $val =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
   return $val;

sub hashifyFile {
    my $file = shift;
    my $contents = {};
    open my $file_fh, '<', $file or die "couldn't open $file $!";

    my ($key, @val);
    while (my $line = <$file_fh>) {
        # skip blank lines and comments
        next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
        next if $line =~ /^#/;
        # print "$. $line";

        # if line starts with a word, means its "key values"
        # if it starts with multiple spaces assuming minimum 4, seems values for the previous key
        if ($line =~ /^\w/) {
            ($key, @val) = split /\s+|=/, $line;
        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s{4,}\w/) {
            push @val, split /\s+/, $line;
        my %temp_hash;
        for (@val) {
                # next unless $_;
                $temp_hash{trim($_)} = 1 if trim($_);
        $key = trim($key);
        $contents->{$key} = \%temp_hash if defined $key;


    close $file_fh;
    return $contents;


sub compareHashes {
    my ($hash1, $hash2, $result, $parent) = @_;

    my %all_keys = map {$_ => 1} keys %$hash1, keys %$hash2;

    for my $key (keys %all_keys) {
        if (not exists $hash2->{$key}) {
            if ( defined $parent ) {
                push @{$result->{deleted}->{$parent}}, $key;
            else {
                push @{$result->{deleted}->{$key}}, keys %{$hash1->{$key}};
        } elsif (not exists $hash1->{$key}) {
            if ( defined $parent ) {
                push @{$result->{added}->{$parent}}, $key;
            else {
                push @{$result->{added}->{$key}}, keys %{$hash2->{$key}};
        else {
            if ((ref $hash1->{$key} eq 'HASH') and (ref $hash2->{$key} eq 'HASH') ) {
                compareHashes($hash1->{$key}, $hash2->{$key}, $result, $key);


$VAR1 = {
          'added' => {
                       'key3' => [
                       'key1' => [
          'deleted' => {
                         'key2' => [
                         'key1' => [

CPAN 上有几个模块比较深层嵌套的数据结构。它们的主要区别在于对差异进行编码的方式。这是一个精选列表: