Python: 改变 GtkTreeview 中的 select 颜色

Python: Changing the select colour in a GtkTreeview

我想在树视图中禁用选择颜色。所以我想用 modify_base. I found this 解决方案将所选颜色设置为白色,但它不起作用。这是我的代码:

import gi
from gi.repository import Gdk, Gtk
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')

treestore = InterfaceTreeStore()
treeview = Gtk.TreeView()

treeview.modify_base(Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED, Gdk.Color(red=65535, blue=65535, green=65535))

gtk_widget_modify_base has been deprecated since 3.0. You could have used gtk_widget_override_background_color, if it wasn't deprecated since 3.16. It's documentation 表示:

If you wish to change the way a widget renders its background you should use a custom CSS style


您的 "changed" 信号回调可能如下所示:

def changed_cb(selection):
    model, iter = get_selected (selection)
    # if there is no selection, iter is None
    if iter is None:
    # do something useful
    # now unselect
    path = model.get_path(iter)
    selection.unselect_path(path) # not sure if python frees it automatically