查找 table 在 Rasa NLU 的训练数据中不起作用

Lookup table not working in training data of Rasa NLU


## intent: frequency
* what is the frequency of [region](field)?
* what's the frequency of[region](field)?
* frequency of [region](field)?
* [region](field)s frequency?
* [region](field) frequency?
* frequency [region](field)?

## lookup: field
* price
* phone type
* region

所以当我输入文本时 "What is the frequency of region?" 我得到了输出

{'intent': {'name': 'frequency', 'confidence': 0.9517087936401367},
'entities': [{'start': 17, 'end': 23, 'value': 'region', 
'entity': 'field', 'confidence': 0.9427971487440825, 
'extractor': 'CRFEntityExtractor'}], 'text': 'What is the frequency of region?'}

但是当我输入文本时 "What is the frequency of price?" 我得到了输出

{'intent': {'name': 'frequency', 'confidence': 0.9276150465011597},
'entities': [], 'text': 'What is the frequency of price?'}

根据 RasaNLU 文档,为了使查找工作,您需要包含一些来自查找的示例 table。

此外,您需要了解 "phone type" 和 "region" 是不同的模式,因为 "phone type" 有两个词,而 "region" 是一个词。请记住这一点,我已将您的数据集扩展为

## intent: frequency
* what is the frequency of [region](field)?
* what is the frequency of [city](field)?
* what is the frequency of [work](field)?
* what's the frequency of [phone type](field)?
* what is the frequency of [phone type](field)?
* frequency of [region](field)?
* frequency of [phone type](field)?
* [region](field)s frequency?
* [region](field) frequency?
* frequency [region](field)?

现在,当我尝试您提到的所有示例时,即使 "price" 未包含在数据集中,但模式都已涵盖,它们仍然有效。

Enter a message: What is the frequency of price?
  "intent": {
    "name": "frequency",
    "confidence": 0.966820478439331
  "entities": [
      "start": 25,
      "end": 30,
      "value": "price",
      "entity": "field",
      "confidence": 0.7227365687405007,
      "extractor": "CRFEntityExtractor"

我建议使用 https://github.com/rodrigopivi/Chatito 来生成简单的数据集,它会让你的事情变得更容易,并自动生成同义词等。


## lookup:city

在 config.yml



  • 名称:WhitespaceTokenizer
  • 名称:RegexFeaturizer
  • 名称:CRFEntityExtractor
  • 名称:LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
  • 名称:CountVectorsFeaturizer
  • 名称:CountVectorsFeaturizer 分析器:“char_wb” min_ngram: 1 max_ngram: 4
  • 名称:DIETClassifier entity_recognition:错误 纪元:100
  • 名称:EntitySynonymMapper
  • 名称:响应选择器 纪元:100