UIAlertController 出现后自动关闭一小部分时间

UIAlertController automatically closes fraction of time after it appears

我创建了一个用于创建 AlertDialog 的包装器以模仿它在 Android

import Foundation

protocol AlertDialogDelegate {
    func onAlertPositiveActionClicked(alertDialog: AlertDialog)
    func onAlertNegativeActionClicked(alertDialog: AlertDialog)

final class AlertDialog {

    private var controller: UIViewController?
    private var alert: UIAlertController?
    private var title: String = ""
    private var message: String = ""
    private var posAct: UIAlertAction?
    private var negAct: UIAlertAction?
    private var neuAct: UIAlertAction?
    private var cancelable: Bool?

    private var delegate: AlertDialogDelegate?

    private init() {


    private func setController(controller: UIViewController) {
        self.controller = controller

    private func setListener(listener: AlertDialogDelegate) {
        self.delegate = listener

    private func callPositiveActionListener() {
        assert(self.delegate != nil)
        self.delegate!.onAlertPositiveActionClicked(alertDialog: self)

    private func callNegativeActionListener() {
        assert(self.delegate != nil)
        self.delegate!.onAlertNegativeActionClicked(alertDialog: self)

    private func setTitle(title: String) {
        self.title = title

    private func setMessage(message: String) {
        self.message = message

    private func setPosAct(action: UIAlertAction) {
        self.posAct = action

    private func setNegAct(action: UIAlertAction) {
        self.negAct = action

    private func setNeuAct(action: UIAlertAction) {
        self.neuAct = action

    private func setCancelable(isCancelable: Bool) {
        self.cancelable = isCancelable

    private func build() {
        alert = UIAlertController(title: self.title, message: self.message, preferredStyle: .alert)

        if (self.neuAct != nil) {

        if (self.negAct != nil) {

        if (self.posAct != nil) {

        self.controller!.present(alert!, animated: true, completion: nil)

    func dissmiss() {
        if (self.cancelable!) {
            self.alert!.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

    final class Builder {

        private let alertDialog: AlertDialog

        init(controller: UIViewController) {
            self.alertDialog = AlertDialog()
            print("call coming")
            self.alertDialog.setController(controller: controller)
            self.alertDialog.setListener(listener: controller as! AlertDialogDelegate)

        func setTitle(title: String) -> Builder {
            print("call coming1")
            self.alertDialog.setTitle(title: title)
            return self

        func setMessage(message: String) -> Builder {
            print("call coming2")
            self.alertDialog.setMessage(message: message)
            return self

        func setPositiveAction(title: String) -> Builder {
            print("call coming3")
            let action = UIAlertAction(title: title, style: .destructive, handler: { _ in
                print("call coming")
                self.alertDialog.callPositiveActionListener() })

            self.alertDialog.setPosAct(action: action)
            return self

        func setNegativeAction(title: String) -> Builder {
            let action = UIAlertAction(title: title, style: .cancel, handler: { _ in self.alertDialog.callNegativeActionListener() })
            self.alertDialog.setNegAct(action: action)
            return self

        func setNeutralAction(title: String) -> Builder {
            let action = UIAlertAction(title: title, style: .default, handler: { _ in self.alertDialog.dissmiss() })
            self.alertDialog.setNeuAct(action: action)
            return self

        func setCancelable(isCancelable: Bool) -> Builder {
            self.alertDialog.setCancelable(isCancelable: isCancelable)
            return self

        func show() {




当边缘滑动回调来时,我正在调用 builder.show()

override func viewDidLoad() {


        builder = AlertDialog.Builder(controller: self)
            .setTitle(title: "Caution")
            .setMessage(message: "To cancel this payment request, please go to.")
            .setCancelable(isCancelable: false)
            .setPositiveAction(title: "Ok")
            .setNegativeAction(title: "Cancel")

extension OPController : EdgeSwipeGesture {
    internal func handleEdgeSwipe(sender: UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer) {
        // TODO: Handle back press kind of action in here
        if (!backAlertShown) {

            backAlertShown = true
        } else {

            assert(self.delegate != nil)




AlertDialog 已释放,整个视图正在消失,请尝试在其他地方初始化 AlertDialog,然后使用该实例显示对话框

您收到了不止一封 UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer 的消息 - 可能的值为:

    case possible
    case began
    case changed
    case ended
    case cancelled
    case failed

因此,您在 .began 上显示对话框,然后立即在下一条消息中将其关闭 -- 我相信是 .cancelled 因为您显示了警报。

在您的 handleEdgeSwipe() 函数中,执行以下操作:

    if sender.state == .recognized {
        print("Screen edge swiped!")

您不必在那里做任何其他事情,因为在显示对话框时您不会得到 edge-swipe。

注意:.recognizedUIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer 的内部变量,它允许您在不需要时避免检查不同的状态。