写入 loop/function 生成各种混合模型结果
Writing loop/function to generate various mixed model result
我正在用 R 编写循环或函数,但我还没有真正理解如何去做。目前,我需要编写一个 loop/function(不确定哪个更好)来在同一数据框中创建混合模型的多个结果。
dataset <- read.table(text =
"ID A_2 B_2 C_2 A_1 B_1 C_1 chkgp
M1 10 20 60 30 54 33 Treatment
M1 20 50 40 33 31 44 Placebo
M2 40 80 40 23 15 66 Placebo
M2 30 90 40 67 67 66 Treatment
M3 30 10 20 22 89 77 Treatment
M3 40 50 30 44 50 88 Placebo
M4 40 30 40 42 34 99 Treatment
M4 30 40 50 33 60 80 Placebo",header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
我建立了一个模型,以Variable _2
为因变量,variable _1
dep_vars<-grep("_2$",colnames(dataset),value = T) #This selects all variables ending in `_2` which should all be dependent variables.
#This removes the `_2` from the dependent variables which should give you the common stem which can be used to select both dependent and independent variables from your data frame.
## To check that we have exact the correct variable which _2
[1] "A_2" "B_2" "C_2"
full_results <- lapply(reg_vars, function(i) summary(lmer(paste0("log(",i,"_2)~",i,"_1+chkgp+(1|ID)"),data=dataset)))
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: log(A_2) ~ A_1 + chkgp + (1 | ID)
Data: dataset
REML criterion at convergence: 16.9
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.16981 -0.24161 0.04418 0.37744 0.95925
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
ID (Intercept) 0.1314 0.3625
Residual 0.1188 0.3446
Number of obs: 8, groups: ID, 4
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 3.293643 0.411924 7.996
A_1 0.004512 0.009844 0.458
chkgpTreatment -0.276792 0.253242 -1.093
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) A_1
A_1 -0.795
chkgpTrtmnt -0.068 -0.272
问题:我想得到chkgpTreatment的结果std.error t值,P值,上限CI和下限CI 每个模型并将其存储在这样的数据框中
Depend_var Indep_var mean difference
p.value Upper ci Lower_ci
A_2 A_1 chkgpTreatment
B_2 B_1 chkgpTreatment
C_2 C_1 chkgpTreatment
我认为这会产生您正在寻找的输出。要获得 p-values,我必须安装 lmerTest
包。此解决方案还使用 purrr
和 dplyr
dataset <- read.table(
text =
"ID A_2 B_2 C_2 A_1 B_1 C_1 chkgp
M1 10 20 60 30 54 33 Treatment
M1 20 50 40 33 31 44 Placebo
M2 40 80 40 23 15 66 Placebo
M2 30 90 40 67 67 66 Treatment
M3 30 10 20 22 89 77 Treatment
M3 40 50 30 44 50 88 Placebo
M4 40 30 40 42 34 99 Treatment
M4 30 40 50 33 60 80 Placebo",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#This selects all variables ending in `_2` which should all be dependent
dep_vars <-
grep("_2$", colnames(dataset), value = T)
#This removes the `_2` from the dependent variables which should give you the
#common stem which can be used to select both dependent and independent
#variables from your data frame.
reg_vars <- gsub("_2$", "", dep_vars)
## To check that we have exact the correct variable which _2
full_results <-
map(reg_vars, function(i) {
summary(lmerTest::lmer(paste0("log(", i, "_2)~", i, "_1+chkgp+(1|ID)"),
data = dataset))
results <- map_dfr(full_results, function(.x) {
# extract indep_var name and replace "1" with "2"
depend_var = paste0(substr(row.names(.x$coefficients)[2], 1, 2), "2"),
# extract depend_var name
indep_var = row.names(.x$coefficients)[2],
# Get the coefficient associated with chkgpTrtmnt
mean_difference = .x$coefficients[3, 1],
# Get std. error
se = .x$coefficients[3, 2],
# Get p-value
p.value = .x$coefficients[3, 5],
# Calculate the CI by +/- 1.96 * the standard error
lower_ci = (.x$coefficients[3, 1] - (1.96 * .x$coefficients[3, 4])),
upper_ci = (.x$coefficients[3, 1] + (1.96 * .x$coefficients[3, 4]))
我正在用 R 编写循环或函数,但我还没有真正理解如何去做。目前,我需要编写一个 loop/function(不确定哪个更好)来在同一数据框中创建混合模型的多个结果。
dataset <- read.table(text =
"ID A_2 B_2 C_2 A_1 B_1 C_1 chkgp
M1 10 20 60 30 54 33 Treatment
M1 20 50 40 33 31 44 Placebo
M2 40 80 40 23 15 66 Placebo
M2 30 90 40 67 67 66 Treatment
M3 30 10 20 22 89 77 Treatment
M3 40 50 30 44 50 88 Placebo
M4 40 30 40 42 34 99 Treatment
M4 30 40 50 33 60 80 Placebo",header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
我建立了一个模型,以Variable _2
为因变量,variable _1
dep_vars<-grep("_2$",colnames(dataset),value = T) #This selects all variables ending in `_2` which should all be dependent variables.
#This removes the `_2` from the dependent variables which should give you the common stem which can be used to select both dependent and independent variables from your data frame.
## To check that we have exact the correct variable which _2
[1] "A_2" "B_2" "C_2"
full_results <- lapply(reg_vars, function(i) summary(lmer(paste0("log(",i,"_2)~",i,"_1+chkgp+(1|ID)"),data=dataset)))
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: log(A_2) ~ A_1 + chkgp + (1 | ID)
Data: dataset
REML criterion at convergence: 16.9
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.16981 -0.24161 0.04418 0.37744 0.95925
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
ID (Intercept) 0.1314 0.3625
Residual 0.1188 0.3446
Number of obs: 8, groups: ID, 4
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 3.293643 0.411924 7.996
A_1 0.004512 0.009844 0.458
chkgpTreatment -0.276792 0.253242 -1.093
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) A_1
A_1 -0.795
chkgpTrtmnt -0.068 -0.272
问题:我想得到chkgpTreatment的结果std.error t值,P值,上限CI和下限CI 每个模型并将其存储在这样的数据框中
Depend_var Indep_var mean difference
p.value Upper ci Lower_ci
A_2 A_1 chkgpTreatment
B_2 B_1 chkgpTreatment
C_2 C_1 chkgpTreatment
我认为这会产生您正在寻找的输出。要获得 p-values,我必须安装 lmerTest
包。此解决方案还使用 purrr
和 dplyr
dataset <- read.table(
text =
"ID A_2 B_2 C_2 A_1 B_1 C_1 chkgp
M1 10 20 60 30 54 33 Treatment
M1 20 50 40 33 31 44 Placebo
M2 40 80 40 23 15 66 Placebo
M2 30 90 40 67 67 66 Treatment
M3 30 10 20 22 89 77 Treatment
M3 40 50 30 44 50 88 Placebo
M4 40 30 40 42 34 99 Treatment
M4 30 40 50 33 60 80 Placebo",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#This selects all variables ending in `_2` which should all be dependent
dep_vars <-
grep("_2$", colnames(dataset), value = T)
#This removes the `_2` from the dependent variables which should give you the
#common stem which can be used to select both dependent and independent
#variables from your data frame.
reg_vars <- gsub("_2$", "", dep_vars)
## To check that we have exact the correct variable which _2
full_results <-
map(reg_vars, function(i) {
summary(lmerTest::lmer(paste0("log(", i, "_2)~", i, "_1+chkgp+(1|ID)"),
data = dataset))
results <- map_dfr(full_results, function(.x) {
# extract indep_var name and replace "1" with "2"
depend_var = paste0(substr(row.names(.x$coefficients)[2], 1, 2), "2"),
# extract depend_var name
indep_var = row.names(.x$coefficients)[2],
# Get the coefficient associated with chkgpTrtmnt
mean_difference = .x$coefficients[3, 1],
# Get std. error
se = .x$coefficients[3, 2],
# Get p-value
p.value = .x$coefficients[3, 5],
# Calculate the CI by +/- 1.96 * the standard error
lower_ci = (.x$coefficients[3, 1] - (1.96 * .x$coefficients[3, 4])),
upper_ci = (.x$coefficients[3, 1] + (1.96 * .x$coefficients[3, 4]))