
Implicit cast can't deal with spaces & illegal characters in Object keys

AlphaVantage API 键中有空格和句点。 API 没有正式的 doco,尽管你可以在他们的演示 url



在我的 Typescript 应用程序中,我为此创建了数据结构(我很高兴任何人都可以复制和使用它们 - 也许在找到我的问题的解决方案之后):

export class MetaData {
  '1. Information': string
  '2. Symbol': string
  '3. Last Refreshed': string
  '4. Output Size': string
  '5. Time Zone': string

  constructor(one, two, three, four, five) {
    this['1. Information'] = one
    this['2. Symbol'] = two
    this['3. Last Refreshed'] = three
    this['4. Output Size'] = four
    this['5. Time Zone'] = five

export interface TimeSeries {
  [date: string]: {
    '1. open': string;
    '2. high': string;
    '3. low': string;
    '4. close': string;
    '5. volume': string;

export interface AlphaVantage {
  'Meta Data': MetaData;
  'Time Series (Daily)'?: TimeSeries;
  'Time Series (Weekly)'?: TimeSeries;

我使用 NPM 中的 alphavantage 调用 API 并将其隐式转换为我的 AlphaVantage:

const av: AlphaVantage = await alpha.data.weekly(options.stocks, 'compact', 'json')

然后(可能经过一些按摩等)我将其保存在 MongoDB 集合中:

const doc = await this.model.findByIdAndUpdate(proxyModel._id, proxyModel)

(ProxyModel 是一个 DTO,用于定义数据库键,例如日期、股票代码等...其中一个字段是 AlphaVantage 数据)。


key 1. Information must not contain '.'


export interface TimeSeries {
  [date: string]: {
    '1_open': string;
    '2_high': string;
    '3_low': string;
    '4_close': string;
    '5_volume': string;

然后投射到这个。在这种情况下提供映射 ...



我也尝试使用 AutoMapper-ts - https://www.npmjs.com/package/automapper-ts - so as to make it more clearer about the changes being made. However it became too difficult to map all cases. I couldn't get the tests (that act as doco) working in the time I allocated to it. I've just seen that there is https://github.com/gonza-lito/AutoMapper,这是最近修改的分支。然而,它并不是开箱即用的 npm installing。


export class ObjectUtils {

  static fixKey(key) {
    const upperCaseReplacer = (match: string, g1: string) => {
      return g1.toUpperCase()
    const wordsReplacer = (match: string, g1: string, g2: string) => {
      return g1 + g2.toUpperCase()
    const m1 = key.replace(/^\d+ *\. *([a-zA-Z])/, upperCaseReplacer)
    const m2 = m1.replace(/([a-zA-Z]) +([a-zA-Z])/g, wordsReplacer)
    const out = m2.replace(/^([a-zA-Z])/, upperCaseReplacer)
    return out

  static fixObj(obj: any) {
    let newObj = null
    if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
      newObj = []
      for (const i of obj) {
      return newObj
    } else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
      newObj = {}
      for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
        newObj[ObjectUtils.fixKey(key)] = ObjectUtils.fixObj(obj[key])
      return newObj
    } else {
      return obj


export class Metadata {
  Information: string
  Symbol: string
  LastRefreshed: string
  OutputSize: string
  TimeZone: string

export interface TimeSeries {
  [date: string]: {
    Open: string;
    High: string;
    Low: string;
    Close: string;
    Volume: string;

export interface AlphaVantage {
  Metadata: Metadata
  DailyTimeSeries?: TimeSeries
  WeeklyTimeSeries?: TimeSeries