What is the difference between psm and cph in RMS package in R
我有一个生存数据,但我不确定 psm 和 cph 之间有什么不同。
f2 <- psm(Surv(follow_time_5y, DEATH_5y) ~ age+ID_SEX+MH_CCI_total_score,
data =sci_20190505, dist='lognormal')
f2 <- cph(Surv(follow_time_5y, DEATH_5y) ~ age+ID_SEX+MH_CCI_total_score,
data =sci_20190505,x=TRUE,y=TRUE,surv=TRUE, time.inc=1825)
psmis a modification of Therneau survreg function for fitting the accelerated failure time family of parametric survival models.psmuses therms class for automatic anova, fastbw, calibrate, validate, and other functions.Hazard.psm,Survival.psm,Quantile.psm, and Mean.psmcre-ate S functions that evaluate the hazard, survival, quantile, and mean (expected value) functions analytically, as functions of time or probabilities and the linear predictor values.
Modification of Therneau coxph function to fit the Cox model and its
extension, the Andersen-Gill model. The latter allows for interval
time-dependent covariables, time-dependent strata, and repeated
events. The Survival method for an object created by cph returns
an S function for computing estimates of the survival function.
The Quantile method for cph returns an S function for computing quantiles
of survival time (median, by default).
"Whats the difference?"
参数生存的一篇好论文是 this
cph(Cox 比例风险模型和扩展)正在使用基于风险函数的 cox 模型(和 Anderson-Gill 模型)。
您可以查看维基百科文章 here
我有一个生存数据,但我不确定 psm 和 cph 之间有什么不同。 如何确定型号?
f2 <- psm(Surv(follow_time_5y, DEATH_5y) ~ age+ID_SEX+MH_CCI_total_score,
data =sci_20190505, dist='lognormal')
f2 <- cph(Surv(follow_time_5y, DEATH_5y) ~ age+ID_SEX+MH_CCI_total_score,
data =sci_20190505,x=TRUE,y=TRUE,surv=TRUE, time.inc=1825)
psmis a modification of Therneau survreg function for fitting the accelerated failure time family of parametric survival models.psmuses therms class for automatic anova, fastbw, calibrate, validate, and other functions.Hazard.psm,Survival.psm,Quantile.psm, and Mean.psmcre-ate S functions that evaluate the hazard, survival, quantile, and mean (expected value) functions analytically, as functions of time or probabilities and the linear predictor values.
Modification of Therneau coxph function to fit the Cox model and its extension, the Andersen-Gill model. The latter allows for interval time-dependent covariables, time-dependent strata, and repeated events. The Survival method for an object created by cph returns an S function for computing estimates of the survival function. The Quantile method for cph returns an S function for computing quantiles of survival time (median, by default).
所以回答你的问题: "Whats the difference?"
psm(参数生存模型)使用基于函数及其参数的生存模型。 参数生存的一篇好论文是 this
cph(Cox 比例风险模型和扩展)正在使用基于风险函数的 cox 模型(和 Anderson-Gill 模型)。 您可以查看维基百科文章 here