浅克隆无法获取新的 commits/branches?

Shallow clone cannot fetch new commits/branches?


git clone --depth=1 <repo> app
cd app
git fetch origin
git checkout a119b1076dd45a88a3609c4f7893ef3d82f9a4ee


fatal: reference is not a tree: a119b1076dd45a88a3609c4f7893ef3d82f9a4ee


 git checkout me/work


error: pathspec 'me/work' did not match any file(s) known to git.

是因为我做了浅克隆吗?对我来说没有多大意义。提交在遥控器上,至少具有该名称的 branch/commit 在遥控器上。


所以我添加了一个 --allgit fetch --all 然后 运行 git branch -vv --all 然后我看到:

* master                4761f83 [origin/master] timeline event update date should not be the review date.  Every time it is inserted or updated the update date should be the current utc date
  remotes/origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
  remotes/origin/master 4761f83 timeline event update date should not be the review date.  Every time it is inserted or updated the update date should be the current utc date

所以 b运行ch 不在 that 列表中,如果这有助于有人帮助我。


git clone --depth=1 --branch=me/work <repo> app


git fetch origin me/work
git checkout -b temp FETCH_HEAD

正如 --depth 的文档所说,

Implies --single-branch unless --no-single-branch is given


to fetch the histories near the tips of all branches

在您的克隆上提供 --no-single-branch,或者为了 one-off 更正,您自己进行获取,

git fetch --depth=1 origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

或追溯关闭 single-branch 设置

git config remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

然后是git fetch.

A shallow clone is also, by default, a single-branch clone:

--depth <depth>
Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits. Implies --single-branch unless ...

A single-branch 克隆正如其名:仅从上游复制一个分支的克隆。 (底层机制是通过默认的 fetch refspecs,因此您可以通过提供 refspecs 暂时覆盖一次提取。)

如果您希望浅克隆复制多个分支,则必须将其转换为非single-branch 克隆,或者从非single-branch 克隆开始。作为一个开始,继续阅读引用句子的其余部分。要将现有的 single-branch 克隆更改为两个、三个或 all-branch 个克隆,请参阅 How do I "undo" a --single-branch clone?