如何修复 cor() 函数的 'incompatible dimensions' 错误

How to fix 'incompatible dimensions' error from cor() function

我正在使用 predict() 函数来预测 blackFriday_test 中的 Purchase 变量。当我将 cor() 与这些变量一起用作参数时,我收到一条 'incompatible dimensions' 错误消息。

我试着查看 blackFriday_test 中 Purchas 变量的维度,即 107516,但预测值结果仅为 32955。

数据是从 https://www.kaggle.com/mehdidag/black-friday 下载的。


blackFriday <- read.csv("BlackFriday.csv", stringsAsFactors = T)


nblackFriday <- blackFriday[, 3:12]
train <- sample(nrow(nblackFriday), as.integer(0.8 * nrow(nblackFriday)), replace = F)

blackFriday_train <- nblackFriday[train, ]
blackFriday_test <- nblackFriday[-train, ]

从存在它们的两个变量中删除 NA

nblackFriday$Product_Category_2 <- ifelse(is.na(nblackFriday$Product_Category_2), mean(nblackFriday$Product_Category_2, na.rm = T), nblackFriday$Product_Category_2)
nblackFriday$Product_Category_3 <- ifelse(is.na(nblackFriday$Product_Category_3), mean(nblackFriday$Product_Category_3, na.rm = T), nblackFriday$Product_Category_3)

blackFriday_train$Product_Category_2 <- nblackFriday$Product_Category_2[train]
blackFriday_train$Product_Category_3 <- nblackFriday$Product_Category_3[train]

m <- train(Purchase ~ ., data = blackFriday_train, method = "rpart")

p <- predict(m, blackFriday_test)

cor(p, blackFriday_test$Purchase)
#This is where I get the error

I expect the number of predicted values to be the same as the number of rows in blackFriday_test, but they are not.


您应该在整个数据集上应用您的操作(例如替换 NA),然后在 train/test 中拆分。这样,您的两个数据集就会相似,并且预测会更好。

您在训练集中替换了 NA,但在测试集中没有,因此这些情况被忽略了。

> head(blackFriday_test)
   Gender   Age Occupation City_Category Stay_In_Current_City_Years Marital_Status Product_Category_1
3       F  0-17         10             A                          2              0                 12
6       M 26-35         15             A                          3              0                  1
15      F 51-55          9             A                          1              0                  5
16      F 51-55          9             A                          1              0                  4
21      M 26-35         12             C                         4+              1                  5
22      M 26-35         12             C                         4+              1                  8
   Product_Category_2 Product_Category_3 Purchase
3                  NA                 NA     1422
6                   2                 NA    15227
15                  8                 14     5378
16                  5                 NA     2079
21                 14                 NA     8584
22                 NA                 NA     9872


blackFriday_test$Product_Category_2 <- nblackFriday$Product_Category_2[-train]
blackFriday_test$Product_Category_3 <- nblackFriday$Product_Category_3[-train]
p <- predict(m, blackFriday_test)
> length(p) == nrow(blackFriday_test)
[1] TRUE
> cor(p, blackFriday_test$Purchase)
[1] 0.7405558
