Left recursion parsing
在阅读 Compiler Design in C 这本书时,我遇到了以下描述上下文无关语法的规则:
a grammar that recognizes a list of one or more statements, each of
which is an arithmetic expression followed by a semicolon. Statements are made up of a
series of semicolon-delimited expressions, each comprising a series of numbers
separated either by asterisks (for multiplication) or plus signs (for addition).
1. statements ::= expression;
2. | expression; statements
3. expression ::= expression + term
4. | term
5. term ::= term * factor
6. | factor
7. factor ::= number
8. | (expression)
书上说这个递归文法有大问题。几个产生式的右侧出现在左侧,如产生式 3(这 属性 称为 左递归 ) 和某些解析器(例如递归下降解析器)无法处理左递归产生式。他们只是永远循环。
You can understand the problem by considering how the parser decides to apply a particular production when it is replacing a non-terminal that has more than one right hand side. The simple case is evident in Productions 7 and 8. The parser can choose which production to apply when it's expanding a factor by looking at the next input symbol. If this symbol is a number, then the compiler applies Production 7 and replaces the factor with a number. If the next input symbol was an open parenthesis, the parser
would use Production 8. The choice between Productions 5 and 6 cannot be solved in this way, however. In the case of Production 6, the right-hand side of term starts with a factor which, in tum, starts with either a number or left parenthesis. Consequently, the
parser would like to apply Production 6 when a term is being replaced and the next input symbol is a number or left parenthesis. Production 5-the other right-hand side-starts with a term, which can start with a factor, which can start with a number or left parenthesis, and these are the same symbols that were used to choose Production 6.
书中的第二句话让我完全迷失了。因此,通过使用一些语句的示例作为(例如)5 + (7*4) + 14
- factor 和 term 有什么区别?使用相同的示例
- 为什么递归下降解析器不能处理左递归产生式? (解释第二个引用)。
规则因子匹配字符串“1*3”,规则项不匹配(尽管它会匹配“(1*3)”)。本质上,每个规则代表一个优先级别。 expression
如果您使用递归函数实现递归下降解析器,则像 a ::= b "*" c | d
// Takes the entire input string and the index at which we currently are
// Returns the index after the rule was matched or throws an exception
// if the rule failed
parse_a(input, index) {
try {
after_b = parse_b(input, index)
after_star = parse_string("*", input, after_b)
after_c = parse_c(input, after_star)
return after_c
} catch(ParseFailure) {
// If one of the rules b, "*" or c did not match, try d instead
return parse_d(input, index)
这样的事情会很好(在实践中你可能实际上不想使用递归函数,但你使用的方法仍然会表现相似)。现在,让我们考虑左递归规则 a ::= a "*" b | c
parse_a(input, index) {
try {
after_a = parse_a(input, index)
after_star = parse_string("*", input, after_a)
after_b = parse_c(input, after_star)
return after_b
} catch(ParseFailure) {
// If one of the rules a, "*" or b did not match, try c instead
return parse_c(input, index)
现在函数 parse_a
- What's the difference between factor and term? using the same example
term ::= term * factor | factor
factor ::= number | (expression)
现在,假设我要你找出表达式 2*3*4 中的因式和项。
如您所见,这里的 (2*3) 是项,因子是 4(一个数字)。同样,您可以将此方法扩展到任何级别,以得出有关术语的想法。
- Why can't a recursive-descent parser handle left-recursion productions? (Explain second quote).
A-> Ab
A-> AAb -> AAAb -> ... -> infinite loop of A.
在阅读 Compiler Design in C 这本书时,我遇到了以下描述上下文无关语法的规则:
a grammar that recognizes a list of one or more statements, each of which is an arithmetic expression followed by a semicolon. Statements are made up of a series of semicolon-delimited expressions, each comprising a series of numbers separated either by asterisks (for multiplication) or plus signs (for addition).
1. statements ::= expression;
2. | expression; statements
3. expression ::= expression + term
4. | term
5. term ::= term * factor
6. | factor
7. factor ::= number
8. | (expression)
书上说这个递归文法有大问题。几个产生式的右侧出现在左侧,如产生式 3(这 属性 称为 左递归 ) 和某些解析器(例如递归下降解析器)无法处理左递归产生式。他们只是永远循环。
You can understand the problem by considering how the parser decides to apply a particular production when it is replacing a non-terminal that has more than one right hand side. The simple case is evident in Productions 7 and 8. The parser can choose which production to apply when it's expanding a factor by looking at the next input symbol. If this symbol is a number, then the compiler applies Production 7 and replaces the factor with a number. If the next input symbol was an open parenthesis, the parser would use Production 8. The choice between Productions 5 and 6 cannot be solved in this way, however. In the case of Production 6, the right-hand side of term starts with a factor which, in tum, starts with either a number or left parenthesis. Consequently, the parser would like to apply Production 6 when a term is being replaced and the next input symbol is a number or left parenthesis. Production 5-the other right-hand side-starts with a term, which can start with a factor, which can start with a number or left parenthesis, and these are the same symbols that were used to choose Production 6.
书中的第二句话让我完全迷失了。因此,通过使用一些语句的示例作为(例如)5 + (7*4) + 14
- factor 和 term 有什么区别?使用相同的示例
- 为什么递归下降解析器不能处理左递归产生式? (解释第二个引用)。
a ::= b "*" c | d
这样的规则可能会像这样实现:// Takes the entire input string and the index at which we currently are // Returns the index after the rule was matched or throws an exception // if the rule failed parse_a(input, index) { try { after_b = parse_b(input, index) after_star = parse_string("*", input, after_b) after_c = parse_c(input, after_star) return after_c } catch(ParseFailure) { // If one of the rules b, "*" or c did not match, try d instead return parse_d(input, index) } }
a ::= a "*" b | c
代替:parse_a(input, index) { try { after_a = parse_a(input, index) after_star = parse_string("*", input, after_a) after_b = parse_c(input, after_star) return after_b } catch(ParseFailure) { // If one of the rules a, "*" or b did not match, try c instead return parse_c(input, index) } }
现在函数 parse_a
- What's the difference between factor and term? using the same example
term ::= term * factor | factor
factor ::= number | (expression)
现在,假设我要你找出表达式 2*3*4 中的因式和项。 现在,乘法是左关联的,将被评估为:-
如您所见,这里的 (2*3) 是项,因子是 4(一个数字)。同样,您可以将此方法扩展到任何级别,以得出有关术语的想法。
- Why can't a recursive-descent parser handle left-recursion productions? (Explain second quote).
A-> Ab
A-> AAb -> AAAb -> ... -> infinite loop of A.