字符串表达式到 c# 函数委托

string expression to c# function delegate




public class Foo
    public string Id {get;set;}
    public string Description {get;set;}


Func<Foo, string> GetExpression = delegate()
    return x => string.Format("{0}-{1}", x.Id, x.Description);

我认为编译的 lambda 或表达式解析器是一种方法,但不确定最佳方法。有任何输入吗?

可能是:构建 Linq 表达式然后编译它。编译表达式是一个普通的委托,没有性能缺陷。

如果参数类型 (Foo) 在编译时已知的实现示例:

class ParserCompiler
    private static (string format, IReadOnlyCollection<string> propertyNames) Parse(string text)
        var regex = new Regex(@"(.*?)\[(.+?)\](.*)");

        var formatTemplate = new StringBuilder();
        var propertyNames = new List<string>();
        var restOfText = text;
        Match match;
        while ((match = regex.Match(restOfText)).Success)


            restOfText = match.Groups[3].Value;


        return (formatTemplate.ToString(), propertyNames);

    public static Func<T, string> GetExpression<T>(string text) //"[Id]-[Description]"
        var parsed = Parse(text); //"{0}-{1}  Id, Description"

        var argumentExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));

        var properties = typeof(T)
            .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetField)
            .ToDictionary(keySelector: propInfo => propInfo.Name);

        var formatParamsArrayExpr = Expression.NewArrayInit(
            parsed.propertyNames.Select(propName => Expression.Property(argumentExpression, properties[propName])));

        var formatStaticMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Format", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null,new[] { typeof(string), typeof(object[]) }, null);
        var formatExpr = Expression.Call(
            Expression.Constant(parsed.format, typeof(string)),

        var resultExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, string>>(
            argumentExpression); // Expression<Func<Foo, string>> a = (Foo x) => string.Format("{0}-{1}", x.Id, x.Description);

        return resultExpr.Compile();


        var func = ParserCompiler.GetExpression<Foo>("[Id]-[Description]");
        var formattedString = func(new Foo {Id = "id1", Description = "desc1"});

一个几乎相同的答案 当我测试这个时,但是,由于下面的代码有一个优点,即最多调用格式字符串中提到的每个 属性 一次,我发布无论如何:

public static Func<Foo, string> GetExpression(string query_string)
    (string format_string, List<string> prop_names) = QueryStringToFormatString(query_string);

    var lambda_parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Foo));

    Expression[] formatting_params = prop_names.Select(
        p => Expression.MakeMemberAccess(lambda_parameter, typeof(Foo).GetProperty(p))

    var formatMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Format", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(object[]) });

    var format_call = Expression.Call(formatMethod, Expression.Constant(format_string), Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), formatting_params));

    var lambda = Expression.Lambda(format_call, lambda_parameter) as Expression<Func<Foo, string>>;
    return lambda.Compile();

// A *very* primitive parser, improve as needed
private static (string format_string, List<string> ordered_prop_names) QueryStringToFormatString(string query_string)
    List<string> prop_names = new List<string>();

    string format_string = Regex.Replace(query_string, @"\[.+?\]", m => {
        string prop_name = m.Value.Substring(1, m.Value.Length - 2);

        var known_pos = prop_names.IndexOf(prop_name);

        if (known_pos < 0)
            known_pos = prop_names.Count - 1;

        return $"{{{known_pos}}}";

    return (format_string, prop_names);

灵感来自Generate lambda Expression By Clause using string.format in C#?.

A simple step by step version to create an Expression tree based on simple use case, can help in creating any kind of Expression tree


Expression<Func<Foo,string>> expression = (f) => string.Format($"{f.Id}- 

var foo = new Foo{Id = "1",Description="Test"};

var func  = expression.Compile();

func(foo).Dump(); // Result "1-Test"


Following is the Expression generated:

Step by Step process to Create an Expression Tree

Reviewing the Expression Tree,可以理解以下几点:

  1. 我们创建一个 typeof(Func<Foo,String>)
  2. 类型的 Func 委托
  3. 表达式的外部节点类型是 Lambda Type
  4. 只需要一个参数表达式typeof(Foo)
  5. 在它需要的参数中,MethodInfo of string.Format
  6. 在 Format 方法的参数中,需要以下表达式
  7. a.) 常量表达式 - {0}-{1}
  8. b.) Id 字段的 MemberExpression
  9. c.) Description 字段的 MemberExpression
  10. 中提琴和我们完成了

Using the Steps above following is the simple code to create Expression:

// Create a ParameterExpression
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Foo),"f");

// Create a Constant Expression
var formatConstant  = Expression.Constant("{0}-{1}");

// Id MemberExpression
var idMemberAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameterExpression, typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Id"));

// Description MemberExpression         
var descriptionMemberAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameterExpression, typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Description"));

// String.Format (MethodCallExpression)
var formatMethod = Expression.Call(typeof(string),"Format",null,formatConstant,idMemberAccess,descriptionMemberAccess);

// Create Lambda Expression
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Foo,string>>(formatMethod,parameterExpression);

// Create Func delegate via Compilation
var func = lambda.Compile();

// Execute Delegate 
func(foo).Dump(); // Result "1-Test"