如何用 C++20 协程说 Hello World?

How to say Hello World with C++20 coroutine?

出于学习目的,我尝试使用 C++20 协程制作过于复杂的 "Hello World" 程序:

HelloWorldMessage sayHelloToWorld()
    co_yield "Hello";
    co_yield " ";
    co_yield "World";
    co_yield "!";

int main() 
    for (auto w : sayHelloToWorld())
        std::cout << w;

为了准备这样的 HelloWorldMessage 生成器,我主要基于最新的 clang 警告消息和 uncomplete cppreference page and this example.



struct HelloWorldState
    const char* currentWord = "<not value yet>";
    bool finalWord = false;

struct HelloWorldPromise
    HelloWorldState state;
    std::experimental::suspend_always initial_suspend() const noexcept { return {}; }
    std::experimental::suspend_always final_suspend() const noexcept { return {}; }

    std::experimental::suspend_always yield_value(const char* word) noexcept
        state.currentWord = word;
        return {};

    std::experimental::suspend_always return_void() noexcept
        state.finalWord = true;
        return {};

    auto& get_return_object() noexcept
        return *this;

    void unhandled_exception()
        state.finalWord = true;

struct HelloWorldMessage
    using promise_type = HelloWorldPromise;
    using promise_handle = std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;

    struct Iter
        promise_handle handle = nullptr;
        HelloWorldState state;

        using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
        using value_type        = const char*;
        using difference_type   = ptrdiff_t;
        using pointer           = value_type const *;
        using reference         = value_type const &;

        reference operator * () const { assert(handle); return state.currentWord; }
        pointer operator -> () const { return std::addressof(operator*()); }

        bool operator == (const Iter& other) { return handle == other.handle; }
        bool operator != (const Iter& other) { return !(*this == other); }

        Iter() = default;
        Iter(promise_handle handle)
            : handle(handle)

        Iter& operator ++()
            if (!handle)
                return *this;
            if (state.finalWord)
                handle = nullptr;
                return *this;
            return *this;

        void next()
            try {
                state = handle.promise().state;
            } catch (...) {
                std::cerr << "@%$#@%#@$% \n";


    promise_handle handle = nullptr;
    HelloWorldMessage(promise_type& promise) : handle(promise_handle::from_promise(promise)) {}

    Iter begin() const { assert(handle); return {handle}; }
    Iter end() const { return {}; }

也许 clang 还没有准备好?


首先 - promise 应 return 生成器对象,而不是对自身的引用。所以正确的做法是:

struct HelloWorldPromise
    auto get_return_object();

struct HelloWorldMessage

auto HelloWorldPromise::get_return_object()
    return HelloWorldMessage(*this);

下一步 - 终止和 return void 可以简化为:

void return_void() noexcept
void unhandled_exception()

下一步 - 在迭代器中 - 我们将依赖 handle.done - 所以不需要 state.finalWord。完整的迭代器来源是:

struct Iter
    promise_handle handle = nullptr;
    HelloWorldState state;

    reference operator * () const { return state.currentWord; }
    pointer operator -> () const { return std::addressof(operator*()); }

    bool operator == (const Iter& other) const { return !handle == !other.handle; }
    bool operator != (const Iter& other) const { return !(*this == other); }

    Iter() = default;
    Iter(promise_handle handle)
        : handle(handle)

    Iter& operator ++()
        if (!handle)
            return *this;
        return *this;

    void next()
        if (!handle)
        try {
            if (!handle.done())
               state = handle.promise().state;
            else {
                handle = nullptr;
        } catch (...) {
            std::cerr << "@%$#@%#@$% \n";


以及完整的工作示例 here

我的大部分更正来自此 2018/n4736.pdf