
BlueZ5: Event when inbound pairing is complete

我正在编写一个 C++ 应用程序来管理嵌入式设备的蓝牙连接。我在 Linux.

下通过 D-Bus 与 BlueZ5 通话


现在我需要一个事件来告诉我新设备已配对,这样我就可以信任它并接受 SPP 连接。但是我在规范中找不到这样的事件 (。

有这样的活动吗?似乎 bluetoothctl 会发出类似


[NEW] Device 44:55:66:11:22:33 Foo Bar



还是我必须投票?我不认为 bluetoothctl 投票,因为它反应非常快。


boolean Connected [readonly]

Indicates if the remote device is currently connected. A PropertiesChanged signal indicate changes to this status.

添加新设备时,InterfaceAdded 信号在接口=org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager上广播。请参阅以下使用 dbus-monitor 捕获的信号。检查 属性 已连接。

signal time=1558128293.155096 sender=:1.2 -> destination=(null destination) serial=65 path=/; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager; member=InterfacesAdded
   object path "/org/bluez/hci0/dev_F0_D7_AA_AA_0C_41"
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
         array [
      dict entry(
         string "org.bluez.Device1"
         array [
            dict entry(
               string "Address"
               variant                   string "F0:D7:AA:AA:0C:41"
            dict entry(
               string "Name"
               variant                   string "Moto"
            dict entry(
               string "Alias"
               variant                   string "Moto"
            dict entry(
               string "Class"
               variant                   uint32 5898764
            dict entry(
               string "Icon"
               variant                   string "phone"
            dict entry(
               string "Paired"
               variant                   boolean false
            dict entry(
               string "Trusted"
               variant                   boolean false
            dict entry(
               string "Blocked"
               variant                   boolean false
            dict entry(
               string "LegacyPairing"
               variant                   boolean false
            dict entry(
               string "Connected"
               variant                   boolean true
            dict entry(
               string "UUIDs"
               variant                   array [
            dict entry(
               string "Adapter"
               variant                   object path "/org/bluez/hci0"
      dict entry(
         string "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
         array [

如果设备已经添加,那么您会在接口=org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties 上收到 PropertiesChanged 信号。请参见下面的捕获,它是断开连接时的登录,但上面的捕获可以帮助您在设备连接时接收信号。

signal time=1558128303.204016 sender=:1.2 -> destination=(null destination) serial=71 path=/org/bluez/hci0/dev_F0_D7_AA_AA_0C_41; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties; member=PropertiesChanged
   string "org.bluez.Device1"
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "Connected"
         variant             boolean false
   array [