
What is a good design pattern to build complex objects from complex database function?


我阅读了存储库设计模式,但我的数据库操作不是简单的 CRUD,它们不仅仅是 returning 简单的值。

我正在连接到 PostgreSQL 并调用经常 return 数据作为一组游标的函数。


class Topic
    public string TopicLabel { get; set; }

    public int TopicCode { get; set; }

    List<Topic> parentTopics;

    public Topic(int topicCode , string topicLabel)


class InitialTopic
    Topic initialTopic;

    public int TopicCode { get { return initialTopic.TopicCode; } }            
    Dictionary<int, float> similarityValues;

    public InitialTopic( Topic topic)
        initialTopic = topic;
        similarityValues = new Dictionary<int, float>();


class TopicsDictionary
    Dictionary<int, Topic> topics;

    public TopicsDictionary()
        topics = new Dictionary<int, Topic>();

    public Topic this[int topicCode]
            Topic t = null;
            if (topics.ContainsKey(topicCode))
                t = topics[topicCode];                    
                t = new Topic(topicCode);
                topics.Add(topicCode, t);
            return t;


public static void GetData(InitialTopic initialTopic)

     using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
        NpgsqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();

        NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand("public.\"GetStuff\"", conn);

        string cursor1, cursor2;
        using (var dr = command.ExecuteReader())
            cursor1 = dr[0].ToString();
            cursor2 = dr[0].ToString();

        using (var resultSet1 = new NpgsqlCommand())
            resultSet1.CommandText = $@"FETCH ALL FROM ""{cursor1}""";
            resultSet1.Connection = conn;

            using (var reader = resultSet1.ExecuteReader())
                // here read values, create Topic objects,
                // add them to TopicsDictionary and link them using parentTopics list 
                // to reflect parent-child relation

        using (var resultSet2 = new NpgsqlCommand())
            resultSet2.CommandText = $@"FETCH ALL FROM ""{cursor2}""";
            resultSet2.Connection = conn;

            using (var reader = resultSet2.ExecuteReader())
                // here read values and fill similarityValues 
                // dictionary in InitialTopic object




Should I separate database operation from the actual building of objects (topic objects and their member lists and dictionaries) ?

当然可以。 using (var reader = 中的两个代码块足够复杂,以至于 (1) 您的 GetData 方法看起来很难看,(2) 您想要对这些代码进行单元测试,以及 (3) 您想要重用它们切换到另一个数据库系统时的代码,例如 MySQL.

How should I do that? Is there an appropriate design pattern for such case?

只需将 GetData 方法中的两个代码块提取到其他地方即可。由于您的 InitialTopic class 非常干净,您可以移至此处。但这取决于你。

现在唯一的挑战是InitialTopicclass如何从两个阅读器接收数据。当然,我们会将读者传递给 initialTopic 对象。但是我们不应该让 InitialTopic class 依赖于数据库 class (你的读者的类型)。


interface MyReader {
    // hasNext() and next() methods, right?

我们会让 InitialTopic class 依赖于 MyReader 接口。

现在我们写一个适配器来适配Npgsql阅读器(using (var reader =中的阅读器):

class MyNpgsqlReader : MyReader {
    // use Dependency Injection to inject the Npgsql reader


using (var reader = resultSet1.ExecuteReader()) {
    initialTopic.method1(new MyNpgsqlReader(reader));
using (var reader = resultSet2.ExecuteReader()) {
    initialTopic.method2(new MyNpgsqlReader(reader));