从第 3 方设备(具有 "Videophone" 功能)调用 Linphone(桌面)显示视频,而调用 Linphone(浏览器)不

Calling from 3rd party device (with "Videophone" capabilities) to Linphone(Desktop) displays video while calling Linphone(Browser) does not

我正在尝试编写一个概念证明,以表明具有 "Videophone" 功能的第 3 方硬件设备可以调用同一 LAN 上的 Web 应用程序。在设备制造商的推荐下,我正在使用linphone。

首先,Windows 的 Linphone 完美运行 (在视频编解码器下启用 H263 后) 所以澄清一下,第 3 方设备使用 H263 视频编解码器。

Linphone 用于浏览器 使用我的概念证明,当从 linphone 调用 windows 时显示视频,但从第三部分设备调用时不显示视频。


经过一些挖掘 https://www.linphone.org/docs/linphone-web/external-LinphoneCore.html 并查看 "core.videoCodecs" 的结果后,我注意到 返回的唯一视频编解码器是 VP8。

经过更多挖掘,x-linphone-web 插件默认不包含所有编解码器。所以我重新编译了支持 "H263" 的插件。 "core.videoCodecs" 现在返回 "H263" 作为编解码器之一。此时,当我从第 3 方设备调用我的概念证明时仍然没有视频。


  1. 操纵linphone核心参数(videoPort, videoPolicy, ...)
  2. 以不同方式接听电话。使用 acceptCall、acceptCallWithParams、acceptEarlyMedia 后接 acceptCall。
  3. 我注意到 windows 的 linphone 将其配置导出到 linphonerc 文件。 尝试使用与 windows

    的 linphone 相同的参数初始化 linphone 核心

    3.1 尝试使用 core.init('URI to file using the format file:///C:/test.linphonerc');这导致了无效的 URI 错误。

    3.2 尝试使用 core.init('URI to file using the format 'local:///test.linphonerc');这并没有导致错误,但创建了新文件 C:\Users***\AppData\Local\Temp\linphone-webd89-653a-c164-9d79\test.linphonerc

    3.3 尝试使用 newLpConfig('local:///test.linphonerc') 在代码中创建文件,然后使用 core.init('local:///test.linphonerc') 进行初始化。 newLpConfig 写入 C:\Users***\AppData\Local\Temp\linphone-web\ 中的一个新文件夹,init 尝试从 C:\Users***\AppData\Local\Temp\linphone-web\

    [ 中的另一个新文件夹中读取=85=]
  4. 查看 wireshark 日志 以了解为 windows 调用 linphone 与从第 3 方设备使用 linphone 浏览器调用概念验证之间的区别。

    4.1 Linphone(Windows) 以“101 对话建立”回复 SIP 邀请,而 Linphone(Browser) 以“100 尝试”回复 SIP 邀请

    4.2 当按下 "answer call" 按钮时,Linphone(Windows) 回复“200 OK”,其中包括 SDP 媒体描述 "Media Description, name and address (m): video 9078 RTP/AVP 34" 而 Linphone(浏览器)回复 "200 OK" 并带有媒体描述 "Media Description, name and address (m): video 0 RTP/AVP 0"

    4.3 在回答时,Linphone(Windows) 回复 “200 OK”,其中包含 SDP 媒体属性 "Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:34 H263/90000" 而 Linphone(浏览器)回复 “200 OK” 没有视频媒体属性。




        <script type="text/javascript" src="linphone.js"></script>  

    <body onload="initLinphoneCore()" style="background:#000000; font-family : Arial; font-size: 12;">

        <object id="core" type="application/x-linphone-web" width="0" height="0">
            <param name="onload" value='initLinphoneCore()'>

        <div style="width : 640px; height : 480px; position : absolute; top : 30%; left : 30%; right : 30%; background : #EEEEEE;">                         

            <div id="status" style="position:relative; height:30px; font-size:18px;top:0px; background:#888888; color:#FFFFFF;text-align: center;"></div>
            <div id="videoContainer1" style="position:relative; top: 25%; left:25%;" ></div>

            <div style="position:absolute; width : 100%; height:30px; font-size:18px; bottom:0px; text-align: right; background : #333333;">
                <input type="button" OnClick="answerCall()" value="Answer Call">




var CallStatusIdle = 0;
var CallStatusIncomingReceived = 1;
var CallStatusConnected = 6;
var CallStatusStreamsRunning = 7;
var CallStatusError = 12;
var CallStatusEnd = 13;

var currentCall;
var currentCallStatus = CallStatusIdle;

// Name : addEvent
// Desc : Register to be notified of an event.
// param obj :
// param name :
// param func :
function addEvent(obj, name, func) 
    if (obj.attachEvent) {
        obj.attachEvent("on"+name, func);
    } else {
        obj.addEventListener(name, func, false); 

// Name : updateStatus
// Desc : Function that display some text in a html element.
// param id :
// param value :
// param bgColour:
// param fgColour:
function updateStatus(id, value, bgColour, fgColour)
    document.getElementById(id).innerHTML= value;
    document.getElementById(id).style.background = bgColour;
    document.getElementById(id).style.color = fgColour;

// Name : getCore
// Desc : Get a reference to linphone core.
function getCore()
    return document.getElementById('core');
// Title : initLinphoneCore.
// Desc : Initialise the linphone core.
function initLinphoneCore()
    var core = getCore();

    addEvent(core, "callStateChanged", onCallStateChanged);

        Initial attempt was to initialise using core.init();
        Haven't managed to get that working so attempt "n" is to specify the configuration as exported using
        the windows desktop version of linphone.

    var config = core.newLpConfig("local:///config.linphonerc");
    config.setString('rtp', 'download_ptime', "0");
    config.setString('rtp', 'audio_rtp_port', "7078");
    config.setString('rtp', 'video_rtp_port', "9078");
    config.setString('rtp', 'audio_jitt_comp', "60");
    config.setString('rtp', 'video_jitt_comp', "60");
    config.setString('rtp', 'nortp_timeout', "30");
    config.setString('rtp', 'audio_adaptive_jitt_comp_enabled', "1");
    config.setString('rtp', 'video_adaptive_jitt_comp_enabled', "1");
    config.setString('rtp', 'audio_dscp', "0x2e");
    config.setString('rtp', 'video_dscp', "0x2e");              
    config.setString('sip', 'media_encryption', "none");
    config.setString('sip', 'default_proxy', "-1");
    config.setString('sip', 'sip_port', "5062");
    config.setString('sip', 'sip_tcp_port', "0");
    config.setString('sip', 'sip_tls_port', "0");
    config.setString('sip', 'use_info', "1");
    config.setString('sip', 'guess_hostname', "1");
    config.setString('sip', 'inc_timeout', "30");
    config.setString('sip', 'in_call_timeout', "0");
    config.setString('sip', 'delayed_timeout', "4");
    config.setString('sip', 'use_ipv6', "0");
    config.setString('sip', 'register_only_when_network_is_up', "1");
    config.setString('sip', 'register_only_when_upnp_is_ok', "1");
    config.setString('sip', 'dscp', "0x1a");
    config.setString('video', 'display', "1");
    config.setString('video', 'capture', "1");
    config.setString('video', 'automatically_initiate', "1");
    config.setString('video', 'automatically_accept', "1");
    config.setString('video', 'show_local', "0");
    config.setString('video', 'self_view', "0");
    config.setString('video', 'size', "svga");
    // config.setString('video', 'device', "Removed for SO Question");  
    config.setString('net', 'download_bw', "0");
    config.setString('net', 'upload_bw', "0");
    config.setString('net', 'adaptive_rate_control', "1");
    config.setString('net', 'firewall_policy', "0");
    config.setString('net', 'mtu', "1300");     
    // config.setString('sound', 'playback_dev_id', "Removed for SO Question");
    // config.setString('sound', 'ringer_dev_id', "Removed for SO Question");
    // config.setString('sound', 'capture_dev_id', "Removed for SO Question");
    config.setString('sound', 'echocancellation', "0");
    config.setString('sound', 'mic_gain_db', "0.000000");
    config.setString('sound', 'local_ring', "C:\Program Files (x86)\Linphone\share\sounds\linphone\rings\oldphone.wav");
    config.setString('sound', 'playback_gain_db', "0.000000");  
    config.setString('video_codec_0', 'mime', "H263");
    config.setString('video_codec_0', 'rate', "90000");
    config.setString('video_codec_0', 'enabled', "1");
    config.setString('video_codec_0', 'recv_fmtp', "");     
    config.setString('video_codec_1', 'mime', "VP8");
    config.setString('video_codec_1', 'rate', "90000");
    config.setString('video_codec_1', 'enabled', "1");      
    config.setString('video_codec_2', 'mime', "H263-1998");
    config.setString('video_codec_2', 'rate', "90000");
    config.setString('video_codec_2', 'enabled', "1");
    config.setString('video_codec_2', 'recv_fmtp', "1;QCIF=1");                     

    // Write configuration file:
    var configFileSynch = config.sync();
    if ( configFileSynch !== 0 ) {      
        console.log( 'Failed to write configuration file.' );

    // Initialise core:
    var coreInit = core.init( 'local:///config.linphonerc' );
    if ( coreInit !== 0 ) 
        console.log( 'Failed to initialise core.' );

    // Setup core logging.
    core.logHandler = function( level, message ) 

    // Start main loop:
    core.iterateEnabled = true; 

    updateStatus ( 'status', 'Linphone Core Initialised', "#888888", '#FFFFFF');

// Name : onCallStateChanged
// Desc : On notification of call status, decide on the logic to perform.
// param event : The event that triggered all of this.
// param call : The call object that had its state changed.
// param state : The new state of the call.
// param message : A description of the call state.
function onCallStateChanged(event, call, state, message)
    try {

        // Keep a reference for later use:
        currentCall = call;
        currentCallStatus = state;

        // Log new call state:
        window.console.log('Call state changed : ' + state);

        if ( CallStatusIncomingReceived === state ) 
            updateStatus('status', message, "#0000AA", '#FFFFFF');                      
            document.getElementById('videoContainer1').innerHTML=  "<object id='remoteVideo1' type='application/x-linphone-web-video' style='display: inline; width: 320px; height: 240px; position:absolute'><param name='onload' value='onLoadVideo1' /><param name='magic' value='1' /></object>";                       
        else if ( CallStatusConnected === state )
            updateStatus('status', message, "#000000", '#FFFFFF');
        else if( CallStatusStreamsRunning === state )
            updateStatus('status', message, "#00AA00", '#FFFFFF');                          
        else if( CallStatusEnd === state )
            updateStatus('status', message, "#000000", '#FFFFFF');      
        else if( CallStatusError === state ) 
            updateStatus('status', message, "#440000", '#FFFFFF');

    catch (err)
        var msg = "There was an error during call status change : " + err.message;
        console.log ( msg );
        updateStatus ( 'status', msg, "#000000", '#FFFFFF');

// Name : answerCall
// Desc : User clicked button to answer call.
function answerCall() 
    try {

        core.acceptCall ( currentCall) ;
    catch (err) 
        var msg = "There was an error while answering call : " + err.message;
        console.log ( msg );
        updateStatus ( 'status', msg, "#000000", '#FFFFFF');                

// Name : onLoadVideo1
// Desc : Initialise video parameters after x-linphone-web-video injected and loaded.
function onLoadVideo1() {   
    var v = document.getElementById('remoteVideo1');
    core.videoPolicy.automaticallyAccept = true;        
    core.videoDisplayEnabled = true; 
    core.nativeVideoWindowId = v.window;                    


知道为什么在为 windows 调用 Linphone 时显示视频,但在调用我的使用 Linphone 浏览器的概念证明时却不显示视频吗?

这是我关于 https://whosebug.com/ 的第一个问题。如果您有任何改进此问题的建议,请告诉我。

今天早上我在 linphone 开发人员邮件列表中发布了同样的问题。我收到了回复,实施后解决了我的问题。

Link 到邮件列表并回复。 http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/linphone-developers/2015-05/msg00086.html

基本上,既然插件支持 H263,我必须启用编解码器。

在我的概念验证中启用 H263 编解码器。

core.enablePayloadType ( core.videoCodecs[2], true );