Qt 与 constexpr 字符串文字

Qt vs constexpr string literal

有没有办法在Qt中定义为静态constexpr字符串文字成员? IE。类似于以下内容:

class X
   static constexpr QString tag = "mytag";

考虑到 QString 是一个(可能)heap-allocated 字符串,并且您不能在 constexpr 代码中分配内存,不。它在 compile-time 并不比使用 std::string.


我做了 Jesper 在他的评论中推荐的,我使用了 QLatin1String。但是我通过一个小助手 class 使用它来避免 QLatin1String:

中的 strlen() 调用
struct ConstLatin1String : public QLatin1String
    constexpr ConstLatin1String(const char* const s) : 
        QLatin1String(s, static_cast<int>(std::char_traits<char>::length(s))) {}


static constexpr ConstLatin1String mystring = "foo";

启发,但适用于 c++11

#include <QLatin1String>

namespace detail {

// Helper function for getting compile-time string literal's length 
// Given from:  
// c++11 analogue of: std::char_traits<char>::length(str); from c++14
constexpr std::size_t constLength(const char* str)
    return ((*str) == '[=10=]') ? 0 : constLength(str + 1) + 1;

} // namespace detail

// Constructs compile-time <QLatin1String> from string literal
constexpr QLatin1String make_string(const char* str)
    return QLatin1String(str, detail::constLength(str));

// Alternate implementation for string literals only, without 
// recursive function call (reduces compilation time), using 
// known in compile-time size.
template <std::size_t SIZE>
constexpr QLatin1String make_string_from_literal(const char (&str)[SIZE])
    return QLatin1String(str, SIZE);

// Example of usage:
static constexpr QLatin1String STR = make_string("hello_world");


// Helper function for compile-time strings comparison
// Given from 
constexpr bool strings_equal(const char* a, const char* b) {
    return (*a == *b) && (*a == '[=11=]' || strings_equal(a + 1, b + 1));

// Compile-time in-place construction check
static_assert( strings_equal(make_string("foo").data(), "foo"), "test failed");

// Compile-time constant construction check
static constexpr QLatin1String STR = make_string("bar");
static_assert( strings_equal(STR.data(), "bar"), "test failed");


它与 compile-time hashing 完美搭配,例如 in that brilliant answer, which based on (that and that)

// Note: `len` must be without null-character sign
constexpr uint32_t crc32(const char* str, std::size_t len) {
    return detail::crc32(len - 1, str) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;

template <std::size_t LEN>
constexpr std::uint32_t crc32(const char (&str)[LEN]) {
    return crc32(str, LEN - 1);

// Overload for <QLatin1String>
//   Notice that, next methods: QLatin1String::{.data(), .size()} 
//   marked as constexpr only since Qt 5.6. 
constexpr std::uint32_t crc32(const QLatin1String& str) {
    return crc32(str.data(), str.size());

// ------------------------------------------------------------

// Test with explicitely specified literal size
static_assert( crc32("hello world", 11) == 0xd4a1185,  "CRC32 test failed");
static_assert( crc32("foo bar",      7) == 0xbe460134, "CRC32 test failed");

// Test with implicitly calculated literal size
static_assert( crc32("hello world") == 0xd4a1185,  "CRC32 test failed");
static_assert( crc32("foo bar")     == 0xbe460134, "CRC32 test failed");

// Test with convenient overload for <QLatin1String>
static constexpr QLatin1String STR_1 = make_string("hello world");
static constexpr QLatin1String STR_2 = make_string("foo bar");
static_assert( crc32(STR_1) == 0xd4a1185,  "CRC32 test failed");
static_assert( crc32(STR_2) == 0xbe460134, "CRC32 test failed");

允许通过 switch-case 进行 compile-time 字符串匹配。 两种 switch 情况都相等并在 compile-time 中计算:)

    1. 在 compile-time 中构造的字符串,允许在任何情况下使用它,并在需要的地方计算散列。
    1. pre-computed 来自字符串的哈希值。字符串不存在。
    1. 就地使用没有任何仪式:D
static constexpr QLatin1String MATCH_1 = make_string("value_1"); // 1)
static constexpr auto MATCH_2 = crc32( make_string("value_2") ); // 2)

const QLatin1String str = /* ... */;
switch( crc32(str) )
    case crc32(MATCH_1):   { do_something_for_value_1(); } break; // 1)
    case MATCH_2:          { do_something_for_value_2(); } break; // 2)
    case crc32("value_3"): { do_something_for_value_3(); } break; // 3)