
Which modern browsers use Mark and Sweep Algorithm for Garbage Collection?

在进行垃圾回收时,我遇到了 Reference CountingMark & Sweep GC 算法。
网络上的一些研究表明,引用计数已成为过去,当今的大多数浏览器都采用了 Mark and Sweep。根据文章 here

Since 2012, JavaScript Engine’s have adapted this algorithm over Reference-counting garbage collection.


  1. 除了循环依赖之外,还有其他原因让我们放弃引用计数并采用标记与清除吗?
  2. 是否所有现代浏览器(Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE)都使用标记和扫描?

引用 MDN

As of 2012, all modern browsers ship a mark-and-sweep garbage-collector. All improvements made in the field of JavaScript garbage collection (generational/incremental/concurrent/parallel garbage collection) over the last few years are implementation improvements of this algorithm, but not improvements over the garbage collection algorithm itself nor its reduction of the definition of when "an object is no longer needed".