do 块中的 if 语句给出错误消息
if statement in do block gives error message
我正在尝试制作一个非常简单的蛇类游戏,如果您尝试前往您已经访问过的 x,y 坐标,您将输掉游戏。
这是目前有效的代码(您可以使用箭头键移动玩家 1,使用 wasd 移动玩家 2):
import UI.NCurses
main :: IO ()
main = runCurses $ do
w <- defaultWindow
updateWindow w $ do
drawBorder Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
loop w [] 1 1 0 0 10 10 0 0
loop :: Window -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Curses ()
loop w list p1x p1y p1oldDx p1oldDy p2x p2y p2oldDx p2oldDy = do
e <- getEvent w (Just 100)
let coordList = updateXY e p1oldDx p1oldDy p2oldDx p2oldDy
let p1dX = coordList !! 0
let p1dY = coordList !! 1
let p2dX = coordList !! 2
let p2dY = coordList !! 3
updateWindow w $ do
moveCursor (p1y+p1dY) (p1x+p1dX)
drawString ("#")
moveCursor (p2y+p2dY) (p2x+p2dX)
drawString ("#")
let updatedList = list ++ [(p1y+p1dY, p1x+p1dX)] ++ [(p2y+p2dY, p2x+p2dX)]
loop w updatedList (p1x+p1dX) (p1y+p1dY) p1dX p1dY (p2x+p2dX) (p2y+p2dY) p2dX p2dY
updateXY :: Maybe Event -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]
updateXY e p1oldX p1oldY p2oldX p2oldY
| e == Just (EventSpecialKey KeyLeftArrow) = [-1, 0, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| e == Just (EventSpecialKey KeyRightArrow) = [1, 0, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| e == Just (EventSpecialKey KeyDownArrow) = [0, 1, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| e == Just (EventSpecialKey KeyUpArrow) = [0, -1, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| e == Just (EventCharacter 'a') = [p1oldX, p1oldY, -1, 0]
| e == Just (EventCharacter 'd') = [p1oldX, p1oldY, 1, 0]
| e == Just (EventCharacter 's') = [p1oldX, p1oldY, 0, 1]
| e == Just (EventCharacter 'w') = [p1oldX, p1oldY, 0, -1]
| p1oldX /= 0 = [p1oldX, 0, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| p1oldY /= 0 = [0, p1oldY, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| p2oldX /= 0 = [p1oldX, p1oldY, p2oldX, 0]
| p2oldY /= 0 = [p1oldX, p1oldY, 0, p2oldY]
| otherwise = [1, 0, 1, 0] -- Starts moving in x-direction. Change to (0,0) for stand-still
因此,当您移动时,“#”字符会被放下。如果你转到一个已经有“#”的坐标,上面的代码什么都不做,所以我尝试通过在 let updatedList...
if length (filter (==(p1x, p1y)) list) > 0 then gameOver w "player one lost"
if length (filter (==(p2x, p2y)) list) > 0 then gameOver w "player two lost"
并添加临时 gameOver 功能:
gameOver w player =
updateWindow w $ do
moveCursor (10) (10)
drawString (player)
但是当我尝试在 GHCI 中加载此文件时,我收到以下错误消息:
输入解析错误 'if'
在 Haskell 中,if
表达式必须同时包含 then
和 else
没有 else
s 需要 else
s。时期。当您需要命令式 "if this, then do that, else do nothing," 但没有 built-in 语法时,您可以使用 when
import Control.Monad
when (length (filter (==(p1x, p1y)) list) > 0) $ gameOver w "player one lost"
when (length (filter (==(p2x, p2y)) list) > 0) $ gameOver w "player two lost"
when cond action = if cond then action else pure ()
我正在尝试制作一个非常简单的蛇类游戏,如果您尝试前往您已经访问过的 x,y 坐标,您将输掉游戏。
这是目前有效的代码(您可以使用箭头键移动玩家 1,使用 wasd 移动玩家 2):
import UI.NCurses
main :: IO ()
main = runCurses $ do
w <- defaultWindow
updateWindow w $ do
drawBorder Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
loop w [] 1 1 0 0 10 10 0 0
loop :: Window -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Curses ()
loop w list p1x p1y p1oldDx p1oldDy p2x p2y p2oldDx p2oldDy = do
e <- getEvent w (Just 100)
let coordList = updateXY e p1oldDx p1oldDy p2oldDx p2oldDy
let p1dX = coordList !! 0
let p1dY = coordList !! 1
let p2dX = coordList !! 2
let p2dY = coordList !! 3
updateWindow w $ do
moveCursor (p1y+p1dY) (p1x+p1dX)
drawString ("#")
moveCursor (p2y+p2dY) (p2x+p2dX)
drawString ("#")
let updatedList = list ++ [(p1y+p1dY, p1x+p1dX)] ++ [(p2y+p2dY, p2x+p2dX)]
loop w updatedList (p1x+p1dX) (p1y+p1dY) p1dX p1dY (p2x+p2dX) (p2y+p2dY) p2dX p2dY
updateXY :: Maybe Event -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]
updateXY e p1oldX p1oldY p2oldX p2oldY
| e == Just (EventSpecialKey KeyLeftArrow) = [-1, 0, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| e == Just (EventSpecialKey KeyRightArrow) = [1, 0, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| e == Just (EventSpecialKey KeyDownArrow) = [0, 1, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| e == Just (EventSpecialKey KeyUpArrow) = [0, -1, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| e == Just (EventCharacter 'a') = [p1oldX, p1oldY, -1, 0]
| e == Just (EventCharacter 'd') = [p1oldX, p1oldY, 1, 0]
| e == Just (EventCharacter 's') = [p1oldX, p1oldY, 0, 1]
| e == Just (EventCharacter 'w') = [p1oldX, p1oldY, 0, -1]
| p1oldX /= 0 = [p1oldX, 0, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| p1oldY /= 0 = [0, p1oldY, p2oldX, p2oldY]
| p2oldX /= 0 = [p1oldX, p1oldY, p2oldX, 0]
| p2oldY /= 0 = [p1oldX, p1oldY, 0, p2oldY]
| otherwise = [1, 0, 1, 0] -- Starts moving in x-direction. Change to (0,0) for stand-still
因此,当您移动时,“#”字符会被放下。如果你转到一个已经有“#”的坐标,上面的代码什么都不做,所以我尝试通过在 let updatedList...
if length (filter (==(p1x, p1y)) list) > 0 then gameOver w "player one lost"
if length (filter (==(p2x, p2y)) list) > 0 then gameOver w "player two lost"
并添加临时 gameOver 功能:
gameOver w player =
updateWindow w $ do
moveCursor (10) (10)
drawString (player)
但是当我尝试在 GHCI 中加载此文件时,我收到以下错误消息: 输入解析错误 'if'
在 Haskell 中,if
表达式必须同时包含 then
和 else
没有 else
s 需要 else
s。时期。当您需要命令式 "if this, then do that, else do nothing," 但没有 built-in 语法时,您可以使用 when
import Control.Monad
when (length (filter (==(p1x, p1y)) list) > 0) $ gameOver w "player one lost"
when (length (filter (==(p2x, p2y)) list) > 0) $ gameOver w "player two lost"
when cond action = if cond then action else pure ()