我如何以 table 的形式打印这本词典?

How can i print this dictionary in form of a table?


{('Montag', '17.30'): [True, False], ('Dienstag', '16.30'): [True, False], ('Mittwoch', '15.30'): [True, False], ('Donnerstag', '14.30'): [True, False, False, True], ('Freitag', '13.30'): [True, False], ('Samstag', '12.30'): [True, False], ('Sonntag', '11.30'): [True, False], ('Sonntag', '17.30'): [False, True], ('Samstag', '16.30'): [False, True], ('Freitag', '15.30'): [False, True], ('Mittwoch', '13.30'): [False, True], ('Dienstag', '12.30'): [False, True], ('Montag', '11.30'): [False, True], ('Donnerstag', '16.30'): [False, True], ('Samstag', '11.25'): [True,True]})

我想以 table 的形式打印它,如下所示:

Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag  
0      0        0        0          0       100     0        11.25
50     0        0        0          0       0       50       11.30
0      50       0        0          0       50      0        12.30
0      0        50       0          50      0       0        13.30
0      0        0        50         0       0       0        14.30
0      0        50       0          50      0       0        15.30
0      50       0        50         0       50      0        16.30
50     0        0        0          0       0       50       17.30

在 x 轴上,我想将字典中出现的所有日期并排输出。 (每天只有一次)


table 应该填写 False 和 True 的比率(可能用 statistics.mean())。


WOCHENTAGE = {0: "Montag",
             1: "Dienstag",
              2: "Mittwoch",
              3: "Donnerstag",
              4: "Freitag",
              5: "Samstag",
              6: "Sonntag"}

set_for_day = set()
set_for_time = set()
for k, v in testdict.items():

order = list(WOCHENTAGE.values())    
for day in sorted(set_for_day, key = lambda x: order.index(x)):
    print(f"{day} ", end ="")
for times in sorted(set_for_time):
    print(f"                                                            {times}")

这里的主要挑战是数据的格式。 (day,time) 元组作为 dict 的键使得很难索引 dict 以获得每个 day/time 组合的所需值。如下面的代码所示,这可以通过将数据转换为可以索引为 data[day][time] 的字典来解决,返回真实值的百分比。使用您在问题中已经提到的 defaultdict,可以避免为缺失值填写零。

可以使用 sum 计算给定布尔值列表的百分比:每个 True 都算作一个,每个 False 都算作零。除以长度得到平均值,乘以 100 得到百分比。我使用 sum(bool(v) for v in lst) 以防传入一些 non-bool 值(如整数)。如果需要,可以将其更改为 sum(lst).


from collections import defaultdict

# The example data.
data = {
    ('Montag', '17.30'): [True, False],
    ('Dienstag', '16.30'): [True, False],
    ('Mittwoch', '15.30'): [True, False],
    ('Donnerstag', '14.30'): [True, False, False, True],
    ('Freitag', '13.30'): [True, False],
    ('Samstag', '12.30'): [True, False],
    ('Sonntag', '11.30'): [True, False],
    ('Sonntag', '17.30'): [False, True],
    ('Samstag', '16.30'): [False, True],
    ('Freitag', '15.30'): [False, True],
    ('Mittwoch', '13.30'): [False, True],
    ('Dienstag', '12.30'): [False, True],
    ('Montag', '11.30'): [False, True],
    ('Donnerstag', '16.30'): [False, True],
    ('Samstag', '11.25'): [True,True]

# Week days, in order.

# Given a list of values, return the percentage that are truthy.
def percentage_true(lst):
    return 100 * sum(bool(v) for v in lst) / len(lst)

# The list of days and times present in the data.
present_days = list(set(k[0] for k in data.keys()))
present_times = list(set(k[1] for k in data.keys()))

# Sort these days based on WEEK_DAYS.
present_days.sort(key = WEEK_DAYS.index)
# Sort the times by converting to minutes.
present_times.sort(key = lambda s: 60 * int(s[:2]) + int(s[3:]))

# Re-organize the data such that it can be indexed as
# data[day][time] => percentage. Use a defaultdict to
# return 0 for absent values.
data = {
    day: defaultdict(lambda: 0, {
        k[1]: percentage_true(v)
        for k, v in data.items() if k[0] == day
    for day in set(k[0] for k in data.keys())

# Print the header.
for day in present_days:
    print(day, end=" ")

# For printing, find the lengths of the day names, and the
# formats required for .format().
day_lengths = [len(s) for s in present_days]
perc_formats = ["{{:<{}.0f}}".format(l) for l in day_lengths]

# Print the values row-by-row.
for time in present_times:
    for day, fmt in zip(present_days, perc_formats):
        print(fmt.format(data[day][time]), end=" ")


data = {('Montag', '17.30'): [True, False], ('Dienstag', '16.30'): [True, False], ('Mittwoch', '15.30'): [True, False], ('Donnerstag', '14.30'): [True, False, False, True], ('Freitag', '13.30'): [True, False], ('Samstag', '12.30'): [True, False], ('Sonntag', '11.30'): [True, False], ('Sonntag', '17.30'): [False, True], ('Samstag', '16.30'): [False, True], ('Freitag', '15.30'): [False, True], ('Mittwoch', '13.30'): [False, True], ('Dienstag', '12.30'): [False, True], ('Montag', '11.30'): [False, True], ('Donnerstag', '16.30'): [False, True], ('Samstag', '11.25'): [True,True]}

# get unique times
time = []
for item in data:

time_list = list(set(time))
sorted_time = sorted(time_list, key=float)

# set days
days = ['Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag', 'Sonntag']

# create data sets
proper_data = []
for time in sorted_time:
    for day in days:
        for key, value in data.items():
            if key[1] == time and key[0] == day:
                if value.count(True) == 1:
                elif value.count(True) == 2:

# remove additional items
item_indexes = [n+1 for n,x in enumerate(proper_data) if x=='50' or x =='100']

for index in sorted(item_indexes, reverse=True):
    del proper_data[index]

# slice data into parts
final_data = []
for i in range(int(len(proper_data)/8)):

# add time to names

# print data
final_data = [days] + final_data
for item in final_data:
    print("{:<10}{:<10}{:<10}{:<10}{:<10}{:<10}{:<10}{:<10}".format(item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3], item[4], item[5], item[6], item[7]))


Montag    Dienstag  Mittwoch  DonnerstagFreitag   Samstag   Sonntag   Time      
0         0         0         0         0         100       0         11.25     
50        0         0         0         0         0         50        11.30     
0         50        0         0         0         50        0         12.30     
0         0         50        0         50        0         0         13.30     
0         0         0         100       0         0         0         14.30     
0         0         50        0         50        0         0         15.30     
0         50        0         50        0         50        0         16.30     
50        0         0         0         0         0         50        17.30