Google 索引私人 WordPress 页面吗?

Does Google index private WordPress pages?

我有一位客户声称在 WordPress 下标记为私有的页面出现在 Google 搜索中。

该页面出现在 Google 搜索中,但是当用户到达该页面时,它返回了 404 未找到(这是应该的)。


除非某些东西(主题、插件等)改变了 WordPress 安装的工作方式,否则发布为私有的页面不应可见,除非访问者以编辑或管理员身份登录,根据 WordPress 文档:

Private content is published only for your eyes, or the eyes of only those with authorization permission levels to see private content. Normal users and visitors will not be aware of private content. It will not appear in the article lists. If a visitor were to guess the URL for your private post, they would still not be able to see your content. You will only see the private content when you are logged into your WordPress blog. ... Private posts are automatically published but not visible to anyone but those with the appropriate permission levels (Editor or Administrator).

如果您无需以 editor/admin 身份登录即可查看该页面,那么 Google 也可以查看该页面,您需要检查 theme/plugins 以查看是哪一个导致问题。