如何解决 "nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object" 访问不同的功能

how a "nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object" can be solved accessing different function

我正在尝试将一些测试功能传递到 main() 节点中,如下所示。 但是,我得到以下 non static member reference must be relative to a specific object。 我正在对这个问题进行大量研究,例如我发现 this that had a similar problem, also this is useful that was explaining how to access and understand the relationship with the "parent" instance. I applied what was advised 并且由于在主节点上传递 madgwick::MADGWICK_reader obj(std::string file); 我能够部分访问 class MADGWICK_reader 具有我试图从 main 访问的函数 void filter_function(const sensor_msgs::Imu &msg); 但仍然有些地方不完全正确。

我知道通过简单地添加"static"关键字使成员静态化是不正确的,我也需要定义它们,这就是为什么函数被专门设置为void filter_function(const sensor_msgs::Imu &msg); 我传递 ampersend & 是为了通过对 main 的引用传递它,但似乎从未收到该函数。

这是 madgwick_filter.h,注意 void filter_function(const sensor_msgs::Imu &msg); 函数在 main:

namespace madgwick
    using timestamp_t = uint64_t;
    using timestampToDouble_t = double;

        double magz;
        double magy;
        double magx;
        float accelz;
        float accelx;
        float accely;
        unsigned long timestamp;
        double phi;   // orientation
        double psi;   // orientation
        double theta; // orientation
        double gyrox; // angular velocity x
        double gyroy; // angular velocity y
        double gyroz; // angular velocity z

    class Madgwick


    class MADGWICK_reader
        MADGWICK_reader(std::string filename);
        bool nextLine();
        bool nextLineWithSupport();

        IMU_MADGWICK_DATA madgwick_data;

        sensor_msgs::Imu imuMadgwickMsg;
        sensor_msgs::MagneticField magMedgwickMsg;

        geometry_msgs::QuaternionStamped q;
        geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped v;
        geometry_msgs::TransformStamped q_trans;
        float sampleFreq;
        double beta;
        double q0=1.0, q1=0.0, q2=0.0, q3=0.0;
        std_msgs::Header header;
        float ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz;
        ros::Duration dtime;
        float dt;

        float invSqrt();
        void qua2Euler(geometry_msgs::QuaternionStamped);
        void madgwickIMU(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az);
        void filter_function(const sensor_msgs::Imu &msg);

        io::CSVReader<13> madg_imu_reader;
        unsigned int imuMadgNum;
        unsigned int magMadgNum;
        void packMadgMagMsg();
        void pack_Imu_Madgwick_Msg();
        void pack_Mag_Madgwick_Msg();


namespace madgwick


    MADGWICK_reader::MADGWICK_reader(std::string filename):
        // operations ...

    void MADGWICK_reader::filter_function(const sensor_msgs::Imu &msg)
        timestampToDouble_t currentTime = (madgwick_data.timestamp)/1e6;
        ros::Time stamp(currentTime);
        header = msg.header;
        ax = float(msg.linear_acceleration.x);
        ay = float(msg.linear_acceleration.y);
        az = float(msg.linear_acceleration.z);

        // more operations ...

最后是 madgwick_filter_node.cpp

#include "imu_filter_madgwick/madgwick_filter.h"
#include <iostream>

    int main(int argc, char** argv)
        ros::init(argc, argv, "madgwick_filter_node");
        madgwick::MADGWICK_reader reader(std::string filename);

        ros::NodeHandle n;
        ros::Publisher pub1 = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::QuaternionStamped>("quaternion", 1);
        ros::Publisher pub2 = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped>("ypr", 1);

        tf::TransformBroadcaster q_brodecaster;

        madgwick::MADGWICK_reader obj(std::string file);

        ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("imu0", 10, obj.filter_function); // <-- Error Here


任何人都可以指出正确的方向或解释为什么仍然无法从 main 访问 class 中包含的功能吗?感谢您阐明这一点。

由于您没有提供订阅声明,但您的问题似乎与将 class 成员函数传递给其他函数有关,因此下面的解决方案提供了两种实现方式,一种是通过 lambda 表达式,另一种是通过绑定。

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
class Test{
    void fun(int x)
        std::cout<<"I am having fun in Test with number "<<x<<std::endl;
void sampleFunction(std::function<void(int)> sf,int x)
int main()
    Test obj;
    auto objf = std::bind(&Test::fun,&obj,std::placeholders::_1);

    auto lf = [&obj](int y) { return obj.fun(y); };
    return 0;