在 WebView 中显示 PDF 文件不起作用 - Titanium

Displaying PDF file in WebView is not working - Titanium

我们在 iOS 12.2 设备中使用 Ti SDK 8.0.0 GA 和 运行 应用程序。 尝试从文档文件夹加载 PDF。它无法加载。它在模拟器中运行良好。

并且在 Ti SDK 7.5.1 GA 中也能正常工作。

url : factSheetPath,
scalesPageToFit : true,
backgroundColor : "transparent",
disableBounce : true,
willHandleTouches : true

factSheetPath 是这样的



基于此 Appc JIRA 票证 https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-25680

我们将 PDF 移动到 tmp 文件夹并尝试在 webview 中打开那个 tmp 文件夹 PDF 文件,它运行良好。

上面的 JIRA link 中也有示例代码。在此处复制了相同的代码。

var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
  backgroundColor: '#fff'

var btn = Ti.UI.createButton({
  title: 'Open PDF'

btn.addEventListener('click', openPDF);


// Open the PDF file
function openPDF() {
  var fileName = 'example.pdf';

  // For iOS 11.2, workaround the Apple issue by creating a temporary file and
  // reference it. It will be removed from filesystem once the app closes.
  // Read more here: http://nshipster.com/nstemporarydirectory/
  if (isiOS11_2()) {
    fileName = fileInTemporaryDirectory(fileName);

  var docViewer = Ti.UI.iOS.createDocumentViewer({
    url: fileName


// Check if the current device runs iOS 11.2+
function isiOS11_2() {
    var version = Ti.Platform.version.split(".");   
    return (parseInt(version[0]) >= 11 && parseInt(version[1]) >= 2);

// Create a temporary file with the contents of the old file
// Expects the file to be in the resources directory. If you receive the file 
// from an API-call, receive pass the Ti.Blob/Ti.File/text to "write" directly.
function fileInTemporaryDirectory(fileName) {
  var file = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, fileName);

  if (!file.exists()) {
    alert('File does not exist in resources!');

  var newFile = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.tempDirectory, fileName);

  if (!newFile.exists()) {
    alert('New file could not be created in temporary directory!');


  return newFile.nativePath;