如何在 Kotlin 中使用 Koin 注入 ViewModel?

How to inject a ViewModel with Koin in Kotlin?

我们如何使用 Koin 为 ViewModel 注入依赖项?

例如,我有一个 ViewModel 是这样的:

class SomeViewModel(val someDependency: SomeDependency, val anotherDependency: AnotherDependency): ViewModel()

现在官方文档 here 指出,要提供 ViewModel 我们可以这样做:

val myModule : Module = applicationContext {

    // ViewModel instance of MyViewModel
    // get() will resolve Repository instance
    viewModel { SomeViewModel(get(), get()) }

    // Single instance of SomeDependency
    single<SomeDependency> { SomeDependency() }

    // Single instance of AnotherDependency
    single<AnotherDependency> { AnotherDependency() }


class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity(){

    // Lazy inject SomeViewModel
    val model : SomeViewModel by viewModel()

    override fun onCreate() {

        // or also direct retrieve instance
        val model : SomeViewModel= getViewModel()

让我感到困惑的部分是,通常您需要 ViewModelFactory 来为 ViewModel 提供依赖项。这里的 ViewModelFactory 在哪里?不再需要了吗?

你好 viewmodel() 它是一个域特定语言 (DSL) 关键字,可帮助创建 ViewModel 实例。

在此 [link][1] 的官方文档中,您可以找到更多信息

The viewModel keyword helps declaring a factory instance of ViewModel. This instance will be handled by internal ViewModelFactory and reattach ViewModel instance if needed.


// Given some classes 
class Controller(val service : BusinessService) 
class BusinessService() 

// just declare it 
val myModule = module { 
  single { Controller(get()) } 
  single { BusinessService() } 