调用 Vertex.getEdgeValue() 两次后 EdgeValue 不一样

EdgeValue isnt the same after calling Vertex.getEdgeValue() twice

我正在尝试在 giraph 中实现 Spinner 图分区算法。 在第一步中,我的程序向给定的输入图添加边,使其成为一个无向图,并且每个顶点都选择一个 运行dom 分区。 (此分区整数存储在 VertexValue 中)在此初始化步骤结束时,每个顶点向所有输出边发送一条消息,其中包含顶点 ID (a LongWritable) 和顶点选择的分区.

一切正常。现在在我遇到问题的步骤中,每个顶点迭代接收到的消息并将接收到的分区保存在相应边的 EdgeValue 中。 (VertexValueVertex<I,V,E> 中是 VEdgeValueEdge<I,E> 中是 E


包装器 类:

public class EdgeValue implements Writable {
private int weight;
private int partition;
// Getters and setters for weight and partition
    public EdgeValue() {
    this.weight = -2;
    this.partition = -1;
// Constructors taking 1 and 2 ints and setting weight/partition to the given value

public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
    this.weight = in.readInt();
    this.partition = in.readInt();

public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {

public class SpinnerMessage implements Writable, Configurable {
private long senderId;
private int updatePartition;
public SpinnerMessage() {
    this.senderId = -1;
    this.updatePartition = -1;
// Constructors taking int and/or LongWritable and setting the fields
// Getters and setters for senderId and updatePartition

public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
    this.senderId = in.readLong();
    this.updatePartition = in.readInt();

public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {


public void compute(Vertex<LongWritable, VertexValue, EdgeValue> vertex, Iterable<LongWritable> messages) {
    int initialPartition = this.ran.nextInt(GlobalInformation.numberOfPartitions);
    sendMessageToAllEdges(vertex, new SpinnerMessage(vertex.getId(),initialPartition));


public void compute(Vertex<LongWritable, VertexValue, EdgeValue> vertex,Iterable<SpinnerMessage> messages) throws IOException {
for (SpinnerMessage m : messages) {
    vertex.getEdgeValue(new LongWritable(m.getSenderWritable().get())).setPartition(m.getUpdatePartition());
// ... some other code, e.g. initializing the amountOfNeighbors array.
// Here I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException since the partition is -1:
for (Edge<LongWritable, EdgeValue> edge : vertex.getEdges()) {
    EdgeValue curValue = edge.getValue();
    amountOfNeighbors[curValue.getPartition()] += curValue.getWeight();


for(Edge<LongWritable, EdgeValue> e : vertex.getEdges())



然后返回的 EdgeValue 具有权重 -2 和分区 -1(标准构造函数的默认值)


  1. getEdgeValue(new LongWritable(someLong)) 可能不起作用,因为它与具有相同值的另一个 new LongWritable(someLong) 是不同的对象。但是,我已经看到它在 giraph 代码中使用,所以这似乎没有问题,只有 LongWritable 中存储的 long 似乎很重要。

  2. 最可能的原因)Hadoop 序列化和反序列化以某种方式改变了我的 EdgeValue 对象。由于 Hadoop 适用于非常大的图形,因此它们可能不适合 RAM。为此,VertexValueEdgeValue 必须实施 Writable。然而,在在线检查了一些 giraph 代码之后,我以一种对我来说似乎正确的方式实现了 read()write()(以相同的顺序写入和读取重要字段)。 (我认为这与问题有某种联系,因为第二次调用返回的 EdgeValue 具有标准构造函数的字段值)


E getEdgeValue(I targetVertexId) Return the value of the first edge with the given target vertex id, or null if there is no such edge. Note: edge value objects returned by this method may be invalidated by the next call. Thus, keeping a reference to an edge value almost always leads to undesired behavior.

但是,这不适用于我,因为我只有一个 EdgeValue 变量,对吗?

提前感谢所有花时间帮助我的人。 (我使用的是 hadoop 1.2.1 和 giraph 1.2.0)

在查看了更多 giraph 代码示例后,我找到了解决方案:Vertex.getEdgeValue() 方法基本上创建了 EdgeValue 的副本 的顶点。如果你改变对象它returns,它不会写这些改变 回磁盘。要在 EdgeValueVertexValue 中保存信息,您必须使用 setVertexValue()setEdgeValue()