
Remote Server Issue-Distributed Testing


在Master Machine jmeter 属性文件中,我添加了两个从机IP。 我在Slave Machine中分别运行 server.bat 文件

但是我的一台从属机器显示 Port 1099 Busy 错误。所以我将那个特定 Salve Machine 的端口更改为 1098 并重新 运行 server.bat 文件。

现在当我select Remote Start ALL command in the Master Machine,更改端口的Slave Machine不执行测试。但是另一台端口为1099的从机测试成功


您需要关注changing RMI port steps:

JMeter uses the standard RMI port 1099. It is possible to change this. For this to work successfully, all the following need to agree:

  • On the server, start rmiregistry using the new port number
  • On the server, start JMeter with the property server_port defined
  • On the client, update the remote_hosts property to include the new remote host:port settings

Since JMeter 2.1.1, the jmeter-server scripts provide support for changing the port. For example, assume you want to use port 1664 (perhaps 1099 is already used).

On Windows (in a DOS box)

C:\JMETER> JMETER-SERVER [other options]

On Unix:

$ SERVER_PORT=1664 jmeter-server [other options]

[N.B. use upper case for the environment variable] In both cases, the script starts rmiregistry on the specified port, and then starts JMeter in server mode, having defined the "server_port" property.

The chosen port will be logged in the server jmeter.log file (rmiregistry does not create a log file).