如何从具有变化元素的 JSONL 文件中提取元素?

How to extract elements from a JSONL file with changing elements?

我想从 JSONL 文件中的标记中提取 "text"。如果存在标签,那么我也想提取它。如果它不存在,那么我想插入 "O" 作为标签的值

{"text":"This is the first sentence.","_input_hash":2083129218,"_task_hash":-536378640,"spans":[],"meta":{"score":0.5,"pattern":65},"answer":"accept","tokens":[
{"text":"This is coded in python.","_input_hash":2083129218,"_task_hash":-536378640,"spans":[],"meta":{"score":0.5,"pattern":65},"answer":"accept","tokens":[

如果没有标签,可用于从令牌中提取文本和 ID 的代码如下:(感谢我之前的@DeveshKumarSingh

import jsonlines

#Open the file, iterate over the tokens and make the tuples
result = [(idx+1, i['text'], i['id']+1) for idx, obj in enumerate(jsonlines.open('file.txt')) for i in obj['tokens']]



您可以使用 dict.get 查找存在的标签,否则将其替换为默认值 O,即 i.get('label','O')

import jsonlines

#Open the file, iterate over the tokens and make the tuples
result = [(idx+1, i['text'], i.get('label','O')) for idx, obj in enumerate(jsonlines.open('file.txt')) for i in obj['tokens']]



[(1, 'This', 'O'),
 (1, 'is', 'O'), 
(1, 'the', 'O'), 
(1, 'first', 'O'), 
(1, 'sentence', 'O'), 
(1, '.', 'O'), 
(2, 'This', 'O'), 
(2, 'is', 'O'), 
(2, 'coded', 'O'), 
(2, 'in', 'O'), 
(2, 'python', 'Programming'), 
(2, '.', 'O')]