markdown 文件的 YAML header 在文档顶部生成奇数 table

YAML header of markdown file generates odd table on top of document

我从我的 YAML header 得到了一个我不想要的奇怪输出。 相反,我当然期望带有标题、作者和 table 内容的正常输出。


title: General Stuff
author: Me
    toc: true # table of content true
    toc_depth: 3  # upto three depths of headings (specified by #, ## and ###)
    number_sections: true  ## if you want number sections at each table header
    theme: united


我从显示文件的 GitHub 得到了这个输出。也许问题是 GitHub 使用了一些有趣的降价版本...?

Maybe the issue is that GitHub uses some interesting markdown version...?

YAML frontmatter 不是 Markdown itself 的一部分。普通的 Markdown 处理器不会用它做任何特别的事情。它可能会呈现 <hr> 和一些文本,可能以 header.


但是是的,GitHub treats YAML front matter specially:

Many blogging websites, like Jekyll with GitHub Pages, depend on some YAML-formatted metadata at the beginning of your post. You know, the stuff that goes between dashes like this:

title: Blogging Like a Boss

Starting [September 27, 2013], we’ll render this metadata within GitHub as an horizontal table, for easier reading