c++ stl中deque是如何实现的

How is deque implemented in c++ stl


I just wanted to know how deque is implemented

有一个做 ASCII 艺术的借口总是一件好事:

| std::deque<int>                                             |                       
|                                                             |                       
|  subarrays:                                                 |                       
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |                       
| |           |           |           |         |           | |                       
| | int(*)[8] | int(*)[8] | int(*)[8] |int(*)[8]|int(*)[8]  | |                       
| |           |           |           |         |           | |                       
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |                       
|                        /            \                       |                       
|                       /              \                      |                       
|                      /                \                     |                       
|                     /                  \                    |                       
|                    /                    \                   |                       
|                   /                      \                  |                       
|                  /                        \                 |                       
|                 /                          \                |                       
|                -                            -               |                       
|               +------------------------------+              |                       
|               | ?, ?, 42, 43, 50, ?, ?, ?, ? |              |                       
|               +------------------------------+              |                       
|                                                             |
| additional state:                                           |                       
|                                                             |                       
| - pointer to begin of the subarrays                         |                       
| - current capacity and size                                 |                       
| - pointer to current begin and end                          |                       

how are the basic operations like push_front and random access operator are provided in that implementation?

首先,std::deque::push_front,来自 libcxx:

template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
deque<_Tp, _Allocator>::push_front(const value_type& __v)
    allocator_type& __a = __base::__alloc();
    if (__front_spare() == 0)
    __alloc_traits::construct(__a, _VSTD::addressof(*--__base::begin()), __v);

这显然是检查前面已经分配的内存是否可以容纳额外的元素。如果没有,它分配。然后,主要工作转移到迭代器上: _VSTD::addressof(*--__base::begin()) 到容器当前前端元素之前的一个位置,这个地址被传递给分配器,通过复制 v 来原地构造一个新元素(默认的allocator肯定会做一个placement-new)。

现在随机访问。同样来自 libcxx,std::deque::operator[](非 const 版本)是

template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
typename deque<_Tp, _Allocator>::reference
deque<_Tp, _Allocator>::operator[](size_type __i) _NOEXCEPT
    size_type __p = __base::__start_ + __i;
    return *(*(__base::__map_.begin() + __p / __base::__block_size) + __p % __base::__block_size);

这几乎是计算相对于某个起始索引的索引,然后确定子数组和相对于子数组起始的索引。 __base::__block_size这里应该是一个子数组的大小。