如何将查询中的外键 ID 传递给更新的行元素?

How to pass a foreign key id from query to the updating row element?

我正在使用 Slick 3.3.0 并且我有一个更新密码的用例 table 但是查找元素是一个叫做 LoginInfo 的东西,然后链接到目标可更新PasswordInfo 通过其 user_id 这是我的用例的一个非常简化的版本:

def update(id: Long, hasher: String, password: String, salt: Option[String]): Future[ExtPasswordInfo] = {
    // first look up a loginInfo by some id, then find the connected userId and use 
    // it to update the PasswordInfo.
    val action = (for {
      loginInfo <- LoginInfo if loginInfo.id === id
      passwordInfo <- PasswordInfo if passwordInfo.userId === loginInfo.userId
    } yield passwordInfo).update(PasswordInfoRow(??? /* <<<< I need userId here */, hasher, password, salt))

但是在查询产生 passwordInfo 并且我链接 update 方法后,我无法访问 userId 键。


... yield passwordInfo).update(pi => PasswordInfoRow(pi.userId, ... 

如何在 Slick 中执行此操作?


def update(id: Long, hasher: String, password: String, salt: Option[String]): Future[ExtPasswordInfo] = {
    // first look up a loginInfo by some id, then find the connected userId and use 
    // it to update the PasswordInfo.
    val action = (for {
      userId <- LoginInfo.filter(_.id === id).result.head.map(_.userId)
    } yield userId).flatMap { userId =>
      val updated = PasswordInfoRow(userId, hasher, password, salt)
      PasswordInfo.update(updated).map(_ => updated.toExt)