如何在会话自动加载时打开 vim 中的文件?

How to open file in vim while having session autoload?

我在 .vimrc 中有以下代码可以在 vim 开始时自动保存/加载会话:

" Session saving
" Automatically save / rewrite the session when leaving Vim
augroup leave
        autocmd VimLeave * mksession! ~/.vim/session.vim
augroup END

" Automatically silently load the session when entering vim
autocmd VimEnter * silent source ~/.vim/session.vim


vim test.txt


期望的行为如下。当我 运行 vim 没有参数时 - 它恢复上一个会话。如果我提供文件参数,e.x。 vim test.py - 它加载上一个会话并在新选项卡中打开/创建提供的文件。 怎么做?最好没有任何插件。


" use ++nested to allow automatic file type detection and such
autocmd VimEnter * ++nested call <SID>load_session()

function! s:load_session()
    " save curdir and arglist for later
    let l:cwd = getcwd()
    let l:args = argv()
    " source session
    silent source ~/.vim/session.vim
    "restore curdir (otherwise relative paths may change)
    call chdir(l:cwd)
    " open all args
    for l:file in l:args
        execute 'tabnew' l:file
    " add args to our arglist just in case
    execute 'argadd' join(l:args)