PHP 按位与 (&) returns 负数

PHP bitwise AND (&) returns negative number


echo (5243960811416 & 4040906070209050);

尝试 结果(右)将是 20407554584

但在我的虚拟主机上它给出了 -1067281896

20407554584 的解决方法吗?是否有 32 位限制?

经过多方查找,我找到了this answer,并将其转换为PHP:

function BitwiseAndLarge($val1, $val2) {
    $shift = 0; 
    $result = 0;
    $mask = ~((~0) << 30); // Gives us a bit mask like 01111..1 (30 ones)
    $divisor = 1 << 30; // To work with the bit mask, we need to clear bits at a time
    while( ($val1 != 0) && ($val2 != 0) ) {
        $rs = ($mask & $val1) & ($mask & $val2);
        $val1 = floor($val1 / $divisor); // val1 >>> 30
        $val2 = floor($val2 / $divisor); // val2 >>> 30
        for($i = $shift++; $i--;) {
            $rs *= $divisor; // rs << 30
        $result += $rs;
    return $result;


echo BitwiseAndLarge(5243960811416 & 4040906070209050);