BayesFactor anovaBF 语法

BayesFactor anovaBF syntax

我想获得类似于经典 F 检验的 ANOVA 的贝叶斯因子,我只是想确保我正确理解如何编写语法,尤其是关于主题 ID。

例如,我有主体间自变量a_betweenb_between,主体内变量c_withind_within,因变量values, 用 subject_id 来标识每个主题;在数据集中 my_data.


anovaBF(values~a_between*b_between*c_within*d_within+subject_id, data = my_data, whichModels="bottom", whichRandom="subject_id") # and I assume the order of variables does not matter, e.g. it could also be d_within*a_between*c_within*b_between+subject_id


anovaBF(values~c_within*d_within+subject_id, data = my_data, whichModels="bottom", whichRandom="subject_id")


anovaBF(values~a_between*b_between, data = my_data, whichModels="bottom", whichRandom="subject_id")

所以在最后一种情况下我没有 +subject_id - 否则我得到 Error in base::try(expression, silent = silent) : not enough observations。 (也许是因为每个 subject_id 只有一行?)


  1. 不管是什么原因,上面的解决方案是否正确?
  2. 如果解决方案正确,为什么我必须为主题内变量指定两次主题 ID(一次为 whichRandom,一次为 +subject_id),为什么不指定只有主体间变量?



  1. Generally, yes - but I'm not sure you want to use whichModels = "bottom" - it is advised to stick with the defaults here (whichModels = "withmain"). Also you can't really get a BF for an F test - as BF are always comparative, so if you want a BF for each "effect" you'll need to think which comparison of which two models might represent that (like in step-wise hierarchical regression). Or, you may want to try to compute Inclusion BFs via bayestestR::bayesfactor_inclusion()(equivalent to JASP's effects panel).

  2. anovaBF isn't really an anova at all - it is actually a linear mixed model. So you need to specify +subject_id as it is an effect in your model, but you also need to tell anovaBF that it is a random effect (and not a fixed one).


无论如何,我会坚持使用 bayestestR::bayesfactor_inclusion()match_models = TRUE;这对我来说似乎是最直接的。