如何知道 source/medium 用户访问了我的 google Play 商店应用 Url

How to know the source/medium from which user visited my google play store app Url

我想知道用户从哪个来源进入我的 google 游戏商店应用程序 Url。在 Google 用户获取 -> 获取报告中的 Play 控制台中,它显示获取渠道列表以及商品详情访问者和首次安装者的数量,其中一个渠道 Play 商店(有机)有 2 个类别 1)搜索 2) 探索 我了解搜索代表通过从 google play store 搜索访问的用户的类别 而我不知道哪一类用户代表 Explore?想知道 google Play 商店用户从哪里浏览并找到了我的应用程序?请帮助我理解这些信息,我一直在努力理解 Explore 中的数字是如何比上个月大幅下降的

每个部分含义的完整描述is in the help document on the support center

  • Play Store (Organic): Unique users who saw your app's store listing by browsing or searching on the Play Store app.
    • Search: Unique users who found your app on Google Play from search results. These users are also counted in the Play Store (Organic) row.
    • Explore: Unique users who found your app on Google Play but not from search results (for example, browsing a category or similar apps cards). These users are also counted in the Play Store (Organic) row.
