docker git repo 如何在 status/need-review 等拉取请求中显示不同的标签

How the docker git repo is showing different tags in pull requests like status/need-review

docker git 仓库如何在 status/need-review 等拉取请求中显示不同的标签?他们使用的插件是什么。 bitbucket 是否可以使用同一个,如果不能,有没有其他选择?

那是因为 GitHub proposes to add labels to pull requests (See GitHub help 用于拉取请求)

BitBucket 在其“Work with pull requests”中没有提及(至今,2015 年 5 月)类似的功能。

OP rohit asks :

do you have any idea how it actually happening automatically?
Like as soon as I send a pull request to docker it shows status0/need-triage etc... labels. In the complete process tags for different stages like status2/need-code-review etc are assigned.
Is the docker administrators are assigning them manually?

那必须是在 docker GitHub 仓库上设置的 webhook (Webhooks API),它将检测新的 PR 并自动标记它。

Vincent Demeester confirms in :

look for a project called gh-patch-parser, it's Jessie Frazelle who's maintaining this ;-)
And yeah it's using webhooks and the GitHub api.