TFS REST API 获取构建失败的项目
TFS REST API Get items that failed to build
您可以使用 Build - Get Build Log Rest API. You need to know which log id is the build log (if you have few tasks so each task has a log), so you can check all the available logs with Build - Get Build Logs Rest API 下载构建日志,然后迭代它们并检查构建的内容。获得日志后,您可以搜索和过滤错误。
PowerShell 的一个小例子:
$collection = "http://tfs-server:8080/tfs/collection"
$project = "team-project"
$buildId = 10
#"api-version=4.1" is for TFS 2018, for other versions you need to change the number
$logsUrl = "$collection/$project/_apis/build/builds/$buildId/lgos?api-version=4.1"
$logs = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $logsUrl -Method Get -UseDeafultCredntials -ContentType application/json
$buildLog = ""
ForEach($log in $logs.value)
$urlLog = "$collection/$project/_apis/build/builds/$buildId/logs/$($"
$logDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $urlLog -Method Get -UseDefaultCredntials -ContentType application/json
$buildLog = $logDetails
# Now you have the logs in your hand and you can find in which projects have errors
如果你想用 C# 来做,你可以用 HttpClient
调用 Rest API
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler() { UseDeafultCredntials = true } )
string url = "the-url-from-above-powershell-script";
var method = new HttpMethod("GET");
var reqeust = new HttpRequestMessage(mehtod,url);
var result = await client.SendAsync(rqeuest);
// In this way you get the Rest API response, so you need to it once for the logs, iterate them to get each log and then filter the errors.
有人知道如何获取构建失败的项目, 通过 TFS REST API?
您可以使用 Build - Get Build Log Rest API. You need to know which log id is the build log (if you have few tasks so each task has a log), so you can check all the available logs with Build - Get Build Logs Rest API 下载构建日志,然后迭代它们并检查构建的内容。获得日志后,您可以搜索和过滤错误。
PowerShell 的一个小例子:
$collection = "http://tfs-server:8080/tfs/collection"
$project = "team-project"
$buildId = 10
#"api-version=4.1" is for TFS 2018, for other versions you need to change the number
$logsUrl = "$collection/$project/_apis/build/builds/$buildId/lgos?api-version=4.1"
$logs = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $logsUrl -Method Get -UseDeafultCredntials -ContentType application/json
$buildLog = ""
ForEach($log in $logs.value)
$urlLog = "$collection/$project/_apis/build/builds/$buildId/logs/$($"
$logDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $urlLog -Method Get -UseDefaultCredntials -ContentType application/json
$buildLog = $logDetails
# Now you have the logs in your hand and you can find in which projects have errors
如果你想用 C# 来做,你可以用 HttpClient
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler() { UseDeafultCredntials = true } )
string url = "the-url-from-above-powershell-script";
var method = new HttpMethod("GET");
var reqeust = new HttpRequestMessage(mehtod,url);
var result = await client.SendAsync(rqeuest);
// In this way you get the Rest API response, so you need to it once for the logs, iterate them to get each log and then filter the errors.