如何设置整个 NGRX 存储然后触发所有减速器?

How can I set an entire NGRX store and then trigger all reducers?


  1. 获取 整个 NGRX 存储数据
  2. 设置整个NGRX存储数据
  3. 触发器所有减速器


我有一个 angular 应用程序,其中有许多组件与 NGRX 存储紧密耦合。

我已将这些组件重新用于应用程序中某些信息的平面打印布局。我使用 headless chrome 将应用程序打印为 pdf。由于无头 chrome 是与打印用户浏览器不同的用户代理,因此没有数据。

我最初通过在一些 NGRX 商店上发帖并让无头 chrome 在商店中替换它来解决这个问题。然而,随着打印视图的扩展,商店所需的数据量已经变得难以管理。



Keeping browser tabs in sync using localStorage, NgRx, and RxJS可以帮到你。


  1. A meta-reducer 最适合这里:
// set state based on local storage
export function persistStateReducer(_reducer: ActionReducer<State>) {
  const localStorageKey = '__groceries';
  return (state: State | undefined, action: Action) => {
    if (state === undefined) {
      const persisted = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey);
      return persisted ? JSON.parse(persisted) : _reducer(state, action);

    const nextState = _reducer(state, action);
    localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(nextState));
    return nextState;

// reset the whole state via the action's payload
export function updateStateReducer(_reducer: ActionReducer<State>) {
  return (state: State | undefined, action: Action) => {
    if (action.type === 'UPDATE_GROCERIES_STATE') {
      return (<any>action).payload.newState;

    return _reducer(state, action);
  1. 当你发送一个动作时,所有的 reducer 都会被触发


  1. 获取整个 NGRX 商店:

    let storeData$ = store.select(rootReducers.getRootState);
    let subscription = storeData$.subscribe(everything => {
        let json = JSON.stringify(everything);
        //do what you want with all of your data here
  2. 设置整个 NGRX 存储:(我的顶级减速器界面如下所示)

    export interface State { 
        something: topLevelReducers1.State;
        anything: topLevelReducers2.State;
        moreThings: topLevelReducers3.State;


    // here is the method //
    export const dispatchSetRootState = (store:Store<State>, payload: State): void => {
        store.dispatch(new SetSomethingState(payload.something));
        store.dispatch(new SetAnythingAction(payload.anything));
        store.dispatch(new SetMoreThingsAction(payload.moreThings));
    // here is the usage //
    let everything = JSON.parse(json);
    dispatchSetRootState(store, data);
    // since I have a lot of combineReducers I add a short-circuit//
    export function reducers(state: any, action: any): any {
        if(action.type == SomethingActionTypes.SET_SOMETHING_PROFILE) { // Sets entire object
            return Object.assign({}, state, (<PayloadAction>action).payload);
        else return combinedReducers(state, action);
  3. 没有必要,因为#2 中的设置会触发所有操作